Paul, the Galatians and the TRUTH

Love: Believe in the Son, Follow and Obey

Ezekiel’s Prophecy: End Times True or False Shepherds

What you’ve NEVER heard about the Faith and Deeds of Abraham

Rob Skiba: Peter’s Warning to the Body of Christ

Israel: The Third Temple, Sacrifices Prophecy and the Deception

The Foundation of the Apostles: A 2nd Peter Reading and discussion w/ Christian Truthers

The Ascension of Isaiah W/ Dr. Pidgeon: PROPHECY of the Anti-Christ, Noahide Laws and Torah

John the Revelator: INSTRUCTIONS for Believers in Messiah for the End Times (2019) Book of 1st John

Holidays vs Holy Days – Week 31 Torah Portions

UNLOCKED: The BEAST of Revelation

Aliens, The Bible & The End Times w/ Steve Moutria

BANNED Books of the Bible: Apocrypha – Susanna, Bel and the Dragon & Prayer of Azariah

Torah Portions – Week 44 – DEVARIM | דְּבָרִים l “WORDS” – W/ Parable of the Vineyard – Deuteronomy

Torah Portions – Week 45 – Va’etchanan | ואתחנן l “I Pleaded” – W/ Parable of the Vineyard

The Prayer of Manasseh: The MERCY of our Father

Torah Portions – Week 46 – EKEV | עֵקֶב l “If You Follow” – W/ Parable of the Vineyard

Torah Portions – Week 47 – RE’EH | רְאֵה l “SEE” – W/ Parable of the Vineyard

Sacrifices and Offerings in 2019

Jake Grant: A Documentary of Truth – Biblical Earth Model (2019)