END Times Truth W/ Dr. Stephen Pidgeon (Cepher) Cannon, Apocrypha & Lost 12 Tribes

Holy Remnant (2018)

Live fellowship 5/4

Baptism 5/5/18

(HD) Fallen Angels, Giants & Flat Earth l Genesis 6 truth and it’s importance for END Times

(HD) Fallen Angels, Giants & Flat Earth l Genesis 6 truth and it’s importance for END Times Pt.2

Exiting Babylon & Contrasting from the WORLD W/ Mike @ On Point Preparedness 5/26 @ 8pm CST

YOU were BORN for such a time as this // PROOF we are at the END (HD)

1 Peter instructions to the ELECT (pt2) // Live scripture study //August Florida meet up discussion!

END TIMES proof all around us and the WATCHMAN Call #ChristianTruthers // Live (Part 1)

(Pt2) END TIMES proof all around us and the WATCHMAN Call #ChristianTruthers //

(Pt3) END TIMES proof all around us and the WATCHMAN Call #ChristianTruthers // Live @ 8pm CST

Google Hangouts Hacking//Spiritual Warfare & Scripture W/ Justin @ #ChristianTruthers

Get Back Up and Endure as we see the END approaching

END Times – Awakening a People and Setting Paths STRAIGHT! LIVE 6/22/18 @8PM CST

Turn OFF your WIFI at night and this happens.

2nd Esdras & 2nd Baruch: 144,000, 2 Witnesses and other END TIME puzzle pieces W/ Watchman Alexander

The Lineage of Yahshua (Jesus Christ) and the story it tells W/ Ryan Sullivan @8pm CST

Psalm 119 // After his own heart \ Thirsting for his ways W/Justin @ChristianTruthers Part 1

Blood Moon Gathering: Reading Psalm 119 // After his own heart \ Thirsting for his ways Part 2