VHC Week 44 – Torah Portion: Devarim (Words)

VHC Week 45 – Torah Portion: Va’etchanan (And I besought)

VHC Week 46 – Torah Portion: Ekev (Because)

VHC Week 47 – Torah Portion: Re’eh (Behold)

VHC Week 48 – Torah Portion: Shoftim (Judges)

VHC Week 49 – Torah Portion: Ki Tetze (When you go)

VHC Week 50 – Torah Portion: Ki Tavo (When you come)

My trip to Kenya (in 2007) and the Moses testimony

Rob Skiba’s take on 1948 Israel, the 144,000, Rapture and Greater Exodus

Rob Skiba’s take on Biblical tithing

VHC Week 51 – Nitzavim (You are standing)

Rob Skiba’s take on the Parable of the Ten Virgins and Torah

Rob Skiba’s take on Sabbath, tzit-tzit and why Eric Dubay was right about “Jesus”

Rob Skiba’s take on keeping Sabbath

Rob Skiba’s take on the 144,000

VHC Week 52 – Vayelekh (And he went)

VHC Week 53 – Haazinu (Give ear)

VHC Week 54 – Vezot ha’Bracha (And this is the blessing)

(2020) Virtual House Church – Bible Study Week 34: Bamidbar

(2020) Virtual House Church – Bible Study Week 37: Shelach L’cha