Understanding the book of Leviticus

VHC Week 24 – Torah Portion: Vayikra (And he called)

VHC Week 26 – Torah Portion: Sh’mini (Eighth)

VHC Week 27 – Torah Portion: Tazria (Conceived)

VHC Week 28 – Torah Portion: Metzora (Leper)

VHC Week 29 – Torah Portion: Aharei Mot (After the death)

VHC Week 31 – Torah Portion: Emor (Say)

VHC Week 32 – Torah Portion: Behar Sinai (On Mount Sinai)

VHC Week 33 – Torah Portion: Bechukotai (In My statutes)

The Church in the wilderness and the bait that drew me into Torah

VHC Week 34 – Torah Portion: Bamidbar (In the wilderness)

VHC Week 35 – Torah Portion: Naso (Make an accounting)

VHC Week 36 – Torah Portion: Beha’alotekha (When you set up)

VHC Week 37 – Torah Portion: Shelach L’cha (Send thou)

VHC Week 38 – Torah Portion: Korach (Korah)

VHC Week 39 – Torah Portion: Chukat (Statute)

VHC Week 40 – Torah Portion: Balak (Balak)

VHC Week 41 – Torah Portion: Pinchas (Phineas)

VHC Week 42 – Torah Portion: Matot (Tribes)

VHC Week 43 – Torah Portion: Massei (Journeys)