Joe Rogan on Bill Nye & Climate Change

Joe Rogan Experience #862 – Trevor Valle

Joe Rogan Experience #938 – Lawrence Krauss

Joe Rogan Experience #948 – Brendan Schaub & Eddie Bravo

Joe Rogan Experience #1054 – Dr. Rhonda Patrick

WHY IS THERE A SHIVA STATUE AT CERN? Why Christians Are Concerned

Joe Rogan Experience #1151 – Sean Carroll

Joe Rogan Experience #1178 – Dr. Rhonda Patrick

Joe Rogan Experience #1216 – Sir Roger Penrose

Joe Rogan Experience #1294 – Jamie Metzl

Dr. James Tour: The Origin of Life is a Mystery to Scientists | FULL INTERVIEW

God speaks on why life is so HARD and this world full of EVIL.

Flat Earth?? What would be the motive for such a deception?

The Genesis Revelation: Part 1 – The Biblical Flat Earth?

We Evolved From The Stars!?? Monkey Man Science Guy Neil Degrasse Tyson

NASA’s Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley Occult Connection – New World Order

Satan’s Global Lie – The Truth of God’s Enclosed Flat Earth

Is Flat Earth the front line of the war between “Science” and the Bible?

Neil deGrasse Tyson Advises Media NOT to Debate FLAT EARTH

HIDDEN TRUTH in a MAD WORLD: Journey to the Truth Documentary