Psalm 119 // After his own heart \ Thirsting for his ways W/Justin @ChristianTruthers Part 1

Blood Moon Gathering: Reading Psalm 119 // After his own heart \ Thirsting for his ways Part 2

Overcoming by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our Testimonies Live Fellowship

Florida Baptism Event 8/4/18

Identity and gathering of Israel ll Revelation 12 ll 2 Sticks & 2ND EXODUS

A Taste of What’s Next

How YHWH (God) Views you: BELIEVER// ENDURE

Spirit AND Truth – Worship and Fellowship W/ Christian Truthers & Zach Struharik

“Wait on Me” Says YHWH // The Return of Yahshua – Yom Teruah (Trumpets) 2018

Enoch: Instructions for believers living at the END (Part 1)

Watching for That DAY: Revelation 12, 144,000 and Obedience W/ Steve Moutria (Torah

Return of the King – Signs in the Heavens, the BIRTH: 144,000 and Preparation for THE DAY

A Heart for His Instructions

Enoch: Instructions for believers living at the END (Part 2)

Sukkot // Feast of Tabernacles Live Gathering 9/28/18

ENOCH: END Times Prophecy – A Righteous Generation Shall Arise – The House of Israel (2018)

Enoch: Instructions for believers living at the END (Part 3)

“Sealed Up Until the END Times” – Hidden & Banned Books and the Walking Dead! (2 Esdras & 2 Baruch)

Atheism, Death and Life. The Testimony of Timothy Williamson

Books Hidden from the Bible now UNLOCKED and Revealed