Addendum to Revelation 12 Jupiter exits and the Dragon. 9 23 2017

The Revelation 12 sign in 3 Minutes!! l 9 23 2017 Prophecy of Biblical proportions

Just a message from a believers heart

Micah 7 for the times l The day of thy Watchman and visitation l Blessed be the God of Israel יהוה

Power in Music & Worship l The Psalms: The Key of David and prophecy!

Dropping the Traditions of Men. Did Jesus Christ and his Apostles quote Enoch?

Mystery of the 144,000 and Jesus Christ quoted from 2nd Esdras (4th Ezra)

The 144,000 ll A Continued study in Revelation and 4 Ezra – 2nd Esdras

Thoughts from a Watchman on the road l Matthew 18, Forgiveness & Grace towards each other & Psalm 91

Instructions and TRUTH for the LAST generation. “God would never allow books to be removed”

You will shine like the stars in heaven l Sister Real Eyes Warrior prayer & Brother Tom

Dates, Temptation, Trust and his WHOLE Word l Putting the Apocrypha (Hidden books) on trial

Signs of the times l Reading 1st Thesssalonians 5 (Peace and Safety) Build up one another l FRUITS

Grieving for our Lost l Beast System (Anti-Christ) and End days via Revelation 17:17

The Queen’s Beasts : The Red Dragon ll Revelation 12 Continued WATCH

A Prayer of Baruch

Scott Clark & Parable of the Vineyard livestream W/ Rob Stone!