Rep. Dan Crenshaw on Finger-Pointing in the Coronavirus Epidemic

Rep. Dan Crenshaw and Joe Rogan: We’re Elevating Victimhood

The Press Unfairly Criticizing Trump Over Chloroquine w/Dan Crenshaw | Joe Rogan

Rep. Dan Crenshaw on China and the WHO

Rep. Dan Crenshaw Skewers Media Coronavirus Hypocrisy

When Will We Reopen Society After Coronavirus? w/Dan Crenshaw | Joe Rogan

Rep. Dan Crenshaw: We’ve Sidelined Personal Responsibility

Lex Fridman Performs Song Inspired by His Veteran Grandfather

Lex Fridman and Joe Rogan Debate Media Objectivity

UFC to Have Fights on Private Island? Joe Rogan Reacts

Lex Fridman on Why You Should Read Albert Camus’ “The Plague”

Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman: Is Nerd An Insult?

Scientist Lex Fridman Promotes Mask Wearing | Joe Rogan

Why Was Epstein a Science Advocator? w/Lex Fridman | Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan: Justin Gaethje is a Monster!

Michael Shermer: Real Social Change Happens From the Bottom Up

Skeptic Michael Shermer on Epstein, 5G Conspiracies | Joe Rogan

Is Contact Tracing Worth the Loss to Civil Liberties? w/Michael Shermer | Joe Rogan

Michael Shermer: The Problem With Hate Speech Legislation

Why Did Liberals Reverse Their Position on Cultural Appropriation?