Mark Sargent interviews Rob Skiba about Flat Earth

TFR – 42 – Revolutionary Radio with Zen Garcia: Flat Earth and the book of Enoch

The journey that led Rob Skiba to investigate the Flat Earth claims

Rob Skiba discusses Flat Earth with Patricia Steere

Sending Thor to Smash the Firmament?

Strange Days – A Pope, a Patriarch, an artifact and a Flat Earth X File?

NASA’s Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley Occult Connection – New World Order

Satan’s Global Lie – The Truth of God’s Enclosed Flat Earth

Solar Eclipse Hoax – Exposing the Global Lies from God’s Enclosed Flat Earth System

The AE Map, Ships Over the Horizon and a (possible) Fake Sun over Antarctica?

Faking Space Phone Call from Obama to the International Space Station ISS

Is Flat Earth the front line of the war between “Science” and the Bible?

GoPro Official Sponsor of The NASA Deception

The Way Back Machine exposes NASA + Rob Skiba’s confession (FE)

If you trust NASA you have NO RIGHT to judge any Flat Earther as being “stupid.”

Scientism Exposed – Chapter 6 (Scientism & Space)

According to the Biblical flat Earth model, stars are not what we are told they are

Too big a conspiracy? Why flat Earth is important…

Enoch, Nimrod, Admiral Byrd, Flat Earth and a Most Peculiar Timeline

Is the spinning globe model the “Strong Delusion” of Scripture?