Joe Rogan & TJ Kirk on Jeff Sessions comparing Marijuana to Heroin

Joe Rogan & Julie Kedzie discuss Steroid Use in MMA

Joe Rogan and Julie Kedzie’s discussion on Protesting

Julie Kedzie tells her favorite story from being a fighter- The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan asks TJ Kirk about the controversy from his podcast with Milo Yiannopoulos

Joe Rogan & TJ Kirk discuss Steven Crowder, Cenk Uygur and the Marketplace of Ideas

Joe Rogan & TJ Kirk on the Presidential cycle

Joe Rogan breaks down who would win Gorilla vs Grizzly Bear

Joe Rogan on Bellator, Fedor vs Mitrione

Joe Rogan talks to Colin Moriarty about the fallout from his joke controversy

Joe Rogan & Colin Moriarty on Progressive Politics in the Gaming Industry

Joe Rogan & Colin Moriarty on the Death of Old Media

Joe Rogan & Robb Wolf on GMOs

Robb Wolf explains Why Quitting Junk Food Is Hard – The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan & Justin Wren on Having a Sense of Community

Lawrence Krauss explains Gauge symmetry – The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan & Lawrence Krauss on why Flat-earthers exist

Joe Rogan has his mind blown by Lawrence Krauss

Joe Rogan & Lawrence Krauss on Wanting to Believe

Joe Rogan & Lawrence Krauss on Questioning Religion