How the movie Rocky Illustrates what Yeshua did at the base of Mt. Hermon

Parasitic Mind Control and the Mark of the Beast

The Mysterious Secret: Why Did Jesus Write in the Sand?

YHWH’s Name and His Victorious Right Hand

Understanding the book of Leviticus

VHC Week 24 – Torah Portion: Vayikra (And he called)

TFR – 72 – Revolutionary Radio with Jon Pounders: Chasing darkness out with the Light

New Christian FLAT EARTH Show: Celebrate Truth & TheControversy7 Team Up Together!

Quest4Truth Episode 4: The carcass and eagles of Matthew 24

HIDDEN TRUTH in a MAD WORLD: Journey to the Truth Documentary

Quest4Truth Episode 9: Nicolaitans and the 7 Churches

TFR – 68 – Revolutionary Radio with David & Donna Carrico: Freemasonry and SRA

Where Did Jesus Go Three Days Between His Death and Resurrection?

9/11 and the Birth of Christ

Dec. 21, 2010, the Aztec Calendar and Coming Out of Babylon

Jesus Explained What Happened Before The Creation Of The World.

Rob Skiba’s take on Sabbath, tzit-tzit and why Eric Dubay was right about “Jesus”

This Event Took Place Before The Creation Of The World.

The Truth About The Kingdom Of God

Jesus Meets The Imprisoned Souls Of The Deluge – 5 Strangest People Jesus Met