Passover 2017 and the Ephraim Awakening

What Does Jesus Mean by ‘I Never Knew You’?

Rob Skiba, Rick Hummer & Victor Brewer Plan to Bust Mythbusters

The goals of our high altitude weather balloon test

Why Does God Always Seem To Use Number Seven / 7?

Prophet Isaiah Sees The Throne Of Heaven (Biblical Stories Explained)

Rob Skiba and Pastor Dean Odle on the significance of the Firmament enclosed flat Earth

The Secret Of ElijahThat Every Believer Should Know – POWERFUL VIDEO

The Genesis Revelation – How the Bible absolutely describes an enclosed world cosmology

Why Did Jesus Pray To God If He Is God?

The Strong Delusion, NASA, Star Trek, JFK, the Firmament, 666 and a most peculiar Timeline

4 Rare Facts about Heaven Many Don’t Know (New Earth Revealed)

Nimrod, the Tower (it WAS about height), the Beast, Antarctica and Flat Earth

The Genesis Revelation: Nephilim, Nimrod, NASA, Flat Earth and more

Rob Skiba shares his testimony, the high price of doing research and discusses getting back to SEED

TFR – 103 – Revolutionary Radio w/ Juan Carlos Martinez: Flat Earth, Deception and 9/23/17

TFR – 108 – Revolutionary Radio w/ Brian Godawa: Heretics Discuss the Last Days – Part 1

Will you choose bogus cosmology or Biblical cosmology?

TFR – 111 – Revolutionary Radio w/ Robbie Davidson: Flat Earth, Shills, Scientism Exposed & Bitcoin

Rob Skiba Testing the Globe – Part 2: The Absurdity of Belief