TFR – 88 – Revolutionary Radio w/ Robbie Davidson and Brian Mullin: Flat Earth and Scientism Exposed

TFR – 69 – Revolutionary Radio w/ Lex Myer: Immortality Part 1

TFR – 70 – Revolutionary Radio w/ Lex Meyer: Immortality Part 2

What did YHWH put INSIDE the firmament of the enclosed, circular flat Earth model?

Enoch, the Bible, Flat Earth and Captain Kirk

According to the Biblical flat Earth model, stars are not what we are told they are

Too big a conspiracy? Why flat Earth is important…

Biblical Flat Earth Conference in Amsterdam – Part 1: The Absurdity of Belief

Enoch, Nimrod, Admiral Byrd, Flat Earth and a Most Peculiar Timeline

Rob Skiba exposes NASA in the country that exposed moon rock as petrified wood

Is the spinning globe model the “Strong Delusion” of Scripture?

Biblical Flat Earth Conference in Amsterdam – Part 2: A Seed War, the Beast and a Strong Delusion

Biblical Cosmology – Theologians Gone Wild Part 1: Is the Bible a Flat Earth Book?

Interesting potential flat Earth revelation arrived in the midst of intense verbal persecution

How many firmaments are there? And how can birds fly in the firmament??

Biblical Cosmology: Theologians Gone Wild Part 2 – The Firmament

Theolgians Gone Wild: Did Isaiah Mean Circle or Ball/Sphere/Globe (.. or even a cylinder)?

Rob Skiba challenges Doug Hamp and Jim Wilhelmsen’s take on Isaiah 40:22

TFR – 97 – Revolutionary Radio w/ Zen Garcia vs Dante Fortson: Serpent Seed Debate

Passover 2017 and the Ephraim Awakening