Quest4Truth and NowYouSeeTV: Commentary on Q4T Episode 8

Quest4Truth Episode 9: Nicolaitans and the 7 Churches

VHC Week 42 – Torah Portion: Matot (Tribes)

TFR – 71 – Revolutionary Radio with Michael Snyder: The Rapture Verdict (and more)

Zen Garcia Plots the Course of the Sun Over the Flat Earth

TFR – 79 – Revolutionary Radio with Zen Garcia: Flat Earth and the Firmament

2016 Lubbock Nephilim Conference – Session 3: Judd Burton – Hierachy of Scale Issues

The Ascension of Isaiah Audiobook

The First book of Adam and Eve Audio Book

2016 Lubbock Nephilim Conference – Session 6: Dan Chrestman – The Nephilim Strategem

Rob Skiba Uses Scripture and History to Identify the Antichrist

Dec. 21, 2010, the Aztec Calendar and Coming Out of Babylon

Eden, the Temple and Israel

Decoding Deception – Part 2: Babylon Rising: Declaring the End from the Beginning

What’s the deal with the so-called, “Hebrew Roots Movement” anyway?

Redeeming the Bride From Babylon

Decoding Deception – Part 3: Ephraim Awakening: Redeeming the Bride

Rob Skiba’s take on wearing tzitzit

Rob Skiba’s take on the issue of “Eternal Security” (once saved always saved)

It’s Time to Come Out of Babylon