Rob Skiba is back in the saddle again – exposes NASA + FE testimonies

TFR – 39 – Revolutionary Radio with John Gabrielson about The House United

Angels as Stars?

Oh look – is that the Firmament? Sa-weet! Let’s nuke it.

September 23/24, 2015 = The End of the World As We Know It?

Perceptions of a Revolutionary Strange World 1

VHC Week 2 – Torah Portion: Noach (Noah)

Flat Earth The Truman Show and the Bible

Kent Hovind, taking the (KJV) Bible literally, NWO and Flat Earth

Mark Sargent interviews Rob Skiba about Flat Earth

Law, Grace and the House Church vs Standard Church Model

TFR – 43 – Revolutionary Radio with Wendy Carter: The Tetra Scroll

Law and Grace: What I Believe and Why

The Bible WARNED Us: Never Trust A MAN Who Does This

Two Of The MOST Remarkable Predictions In The Bible – Gog And Magog?

Rob Skiba challenges the notion that Kent Hovind “takes the Bible literally”

VHC Week 10 – Torah Portion: Miketz (At The End Of)

The Hidden Truth Behind Powers and Principalities

Rob Skiba discusses Flat Earth with Patricia Steere

The Untold Truth About Nimrod, Antichrist and Jezebel