Why Did Jesus Pray To God If He Is God?

Joe Rogan Experience #1984 – Brian Redban

Bret Weinstein Saw Civil Unrest Coming, Where He Thinks It Will Go | Joe Rogan

World Photo Record Proves Flat Earth?

Shocking Revelation: Why Satan Fought for the Body of Moses!

Talk Show Hosts Blown Away! Awesome Flat Earth Radio Interview 📻

Torah Portions – Week 6 – Toldot – Genesis 25:19 – 28:9 (2021-2022)

Archaeological proof that the Bible’s King David existed

Why Did the Metaverse Fail?

The Problem with America’s Lab Mice and Why it Should Matter to You

The Strong Delusion, NASA, Star Trek, JFK, the Firmament, 666 and a most peculiar Timeline

Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Space Business EXPOSED! 🚀

The Stars of Heaven

4 Rare Facts about Heaven Many Don’t Know (New Earth Revealed)

Joe Rogan Experience #1985 – Steven Wright

Bret Weinstein Argues for an Andrew Yang/William H. McRaven Presidential Ticket

Nimrod, the Tower (it WAS about height), the Beast, Antarctica and Flat Earth

EPIC FAIL! Pilot Tries To Debunk Flat Earth With Picture ✈

The Mark of the Beast (Worship, Image & Name)

The OLDEST copy of Scripture ever found! (Even older than the Dead Sea Scrolls)