Last day of the Esther fast/ 9/21 Yom Teruah? New moon to be sighted? Shine like the firmament!

Return Lost Sheep 153 – Azariah 51

New moon spotted in Jerusalem l Feast starts! 9/21-9/23 Look up and quick dream.

After September 23 2017 l

The Prayer of Daniel 9 and the vision of the end l Call to prayer and repentance “Days of Awe”

Psalm 40 and the mystery of the Head and Body of Jesus Christ

ONE CURE: Depression, anxiety, health, security, addiction, Porn addiction etc..

Micah 7 for the times l The day of thy Watchman and visitation l Blessed be the God of Israel יהוה

Power in Music & Worship l The Psalms: The Key of David and prophecy!

Yahshua (Jesus Christ) King of Israel! Lift up your spirit and Bless him!

Dropping the Traditions of Men. Did Jesus Christ and his Apostles quote Enoch?

Mystery of the 144,000 and Jesus Christ quoted from 2nd Esdras (4th Ezra)

The 144,000 ll A Continued study in Revelation and 4 Ezra – 2nd Esdras

Thoughts from a Watchman on the road l Matthew 18, Forgiveness & Grace towards each other & Psalm 91

Where I stand on his name. Addendum to this mornings message

Last days and the prospering of the wicked and comfort in Psalm 37 & Joshua Aaron

Now it is high time to wake out of sleep: Romans 12 &13

Instructions and TRUTH for the LAST generation. “God would never allow books to be removed”

You will shine like the stars in heaven l Sister Real Eyes Warrior prayer & Brother Tom

Faith and obedience