Dropping the Traditions of Men. Did Jesus Christ and his Apostles quote Enoch?

Mystery of the 144,000 and Jesus Christ quoted from 2nd Esdras (4th Ezra)

The 144,000 ll A Continued study in Revelation and 4 Ezra – 2nd Esdras

Thoughts from a Watchman on the road l Matthew 18, Forgiveness & Grace towards each other & Psalm 91

Where I stand on his name. Addendum to this mornings message

Last days and the prospering of the wicked and comfort in Psalm 37 & Joshua Aaron

Now it is high time to wake out of sleep: Romans 12 &13

Instructions and TRUTH for the LAST generation. “God would never allow books to be removed”

You will shine like the stars in heaven l Sister Real Eyes Warrior prayer & Brother Tom

Faith and obedience

Welcome to the Parable of the Vineyard Ministries Youtube Channel

Dates, Temptation, Trust and his WHOLE Word l Putting the Apocrypha (Hidden books) on trial

Signs of the times l Reading 1st Thesssalonians 5 (Peace and Safety) Build up one another l FRUITS

Grieving for our Lost l Beast System (Anti-Christ) and End days via Revelation 17:17

Jesus Christ (Yahshua) the Advocate Job asked for! David, Sin, Repentance AND Betty DeMers

The Queen’s Beasts : The Red Dragon ll Revelation 12 Continued WATCH

A Prayer of Baruch

What you haven’t been told about the END Times : 2nd Baruch Pt 1

Scott Clark & Parable of the Vineyard livestream W/ Rob Stone!

Watchmen in one Mind and Accord: Spiritual Warfare W/ Scottie, Alan, Rob, Sha’ul and Chris!