WHO ARE THE TWENTY-FOUR (24) ELDERS? Saints or Angels?

Joe Rogan Experience #1918 – John from The Boneyard Alaska

Baby-Stealing Monkey on Bike Freaks Joe Rogan Out

The AE Map, Ships Over the Horizon and a (possible) Fake Sun over Antarctica?

Bethel Blasphemy Alert – Jesus Asks For Forgiveness In Vision

Sukkot: The Feast of Tabernacles – Prophecy of Joy

Unlocking Mysteries: The Three Beings at the Throne of God

John Reeves Stumbled Upon a Goldmine of Ice Age Fossils

Joe Rogan on Michael Jordan and “The Last Dance”

VHC Week 26 – Torah Portion: Sh’mini (Eighth)

Facebook builds Satellite but will use Planes to Beam Down on Flat Earth

Torah Portions – Week 54 – V’zot HaBerechah – Deuteronomy 33 – 34:12

Why Jesus Had to Meet Moses and Elijah at the Mount of Transfiguration

Joe Rogan Experience #1919 – Bret Weinstein

Joe Rogan on the Canadian Assault Weapons Ban

Baal or YHWH? A line is being drawn in the sand. Choose now…

Christianity Distorted – What On Flat Earth Are These Christians Saying?

Sukkot Torah Reading: Genesis (Bere’shiyth) Septuagint

The Four Biggest Mysteries In The Bible

What ChatGPT Could Mean for the Future of Artificial Intelligence