FEIC 2018 Canada – Day 2 – Session 5 (expanded): Rob Skiba FYTube

This is from Day 2 of the Flat Earth International Conference in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, which was held August 9 & 10, 2018. This is the fifth speaking session and the second presentation I did at the conference. This video deals with the Biblical side of flat Earth and includes a little bit more footage than what I gave live at the event.

Here is the link to the E.W. Bullinger PDF I referred to:

Here are a couple of links for you to check out if you are interested in attending the upcoming Denver conference:

Flat Earth International Conference

Get your tickets for Denver this November

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  1. So I guess you all came to the conference on international flights? Did you check with the pilot if he was using flight charts from a globe earth or a flat earth? All flight charts are based on a globe earth with latatude and longitude. There are no flight charts used by commercial airlines based on a flat earth. So you are prepared to trust a pilot who is using flight charts based on a globe to fly you over a flat earth! Is not that hypocrisy?

  2. To God's Elect : John.3:5 … "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of WATER and of the SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God… Yahweh's true motionless earth, under deep water cosmology, is given the most absolute credence… And is the focus of what Christ is saying… Following true repentance and faith in Christ, the ritual of baptism, submersing one into water and then standing him out of the water, is " THE SYMBOL" that the individual has been transferred, by Christ, to a new life residence, out of the water, and into Yahweh's secret place..

    Christ demonstrated this, being the first fruits, fountain head of the body.. 1 Cor 15:23.. At His baptism, after being immersed, and then standing, out of the water, the Spirit anointed Him " the Son of man" .. Matt. 3:17.. He later displayed the most significant of all rituals, on the cross, dying HERE, on this "DISSOLVED", water submerged earth, and resurrecting, unto the Father, ascending " i.e. ABOVE" ; to Yahwew's "out of the water secret place, where he now resides as High Priest..

    The Habitation of Yahweh is above the firmament, in the LOFT of our submerged world ; Isaiah 57:15 "For thus saith the HIGH and LOFTY One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the HIGH and HOLY place."

    His habitation is ABOVE, out of the water, surrounded by water…. Psalm 18:11 "He made darkness his secret place ; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies…

    Yahweh revealed through parting the Red Sea, after Passover, ( the type of Christ's death ) ; exemplifying, then, the nature of Heaven, the waterless abode, His Holy reward… Exodus.14.. As we know, a wall of WATER formed, that backed away, holding in the chosen people, with Yahweh, the strong Holy one, in the midst ; looking back, destroying the Egyptians…. Yahweh was, displaying a type of His, pavilion like, water peripheral habitation, which is grandly nestled ABOVE the firmament…. " Exhibiting a Holy Heaven, on earth.."

    Yahweh exhibited yet another, Heavenly, pavilion style, waterless abode, His eternal haven ; this time, at the waters of Jordan.. Here, the Holy Ark being carried ( Him divinely manifested ), and the people, were again, nestled in pavilion style protection, by raised up waters….. Joshua 3:8 "..And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, (for Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest,) 16That the WATERS which came down from above "STOOD AND ROSE UP UPON AN HEAP " very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho. 17And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan." It's clear, that Yahweh manipulated (revealing dry ground), the deep waters surrounding His presence, in both these instances of His peoples' deliverance, to demonstrate the future, GRAND gathering of His people' deliverance ; that will ultimately manifest, out of the deep waters (on dry ground, standing on a sea of glass. Rev. 15:2), in the LOFT, the High and Holy place, ABOVE the firmament..

    The scriptures powerfully testify to this ABOVE firmament habitation, where Yahweh is manifested ; Eziekel 1:26…. "And ABOVE the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. Also… Amos 9:6… (NASB) "The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens. And has founded His vaulted dome over the earth."

    Psalm 75:3. (interlinear) "Are DISSOLVED, the earth and all its inhabitants; I set firmly its pillars."… Yahweh has placed our enclosed, oxygen tent style habitation in the midst of the fountains of deep waters, with His secret place, in the LOFT.. We are literally under Him… ( His footstool ) He has attached His firmament to the earth and His Holy Temple is above ; IN THE LOFT….. ( THE HIGH AND LOFTY ONE ) Isaiah 57:15

    The above and below habitational dichotomy is further emphasized for us in Isaiah 40:22 " He sits "ENTHRONED ABOVE" – repeat " ENTRONED ABOVE "- repeat " ENTRONED ABOVE " the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers…..He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. Make no mistake, the divine architecture is laid out.. And Christ, our resurrected savior is the first and the last, to create true union between Yahweh's dwelling, above, and man's dwelling, below, since the fall of Adam… John 3:13 "No man hath ascended "UP' to heaven, but he that came "DOWN" from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven…..

    Let's all disavow ourselves of any belief that blasphemously renders Yahweh anywhere else but ABOVE His creation, ABOVE His crystalline firmament : because this is exactly where He was seen by His servant Moses… Exodus 24:9 " And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness…" They were on the mount of God, looking up, and saw under the Lord's feet, the crystalline work of stone; the clear firmament under Him… And we shall all, after being victorious over the beast, stand on this sea of glass… Rev. 15:2

    The liars that blaspheme the Lord's Holy architecture, by placing images of false, non Christ exalting, non God handiwork, fake outer space, ball earth architecture, have through this, and many other "satanic rituals of opposites", made it their agenda to attempt to hide Yahweh's secret place, and blind many to His reality… Through this helios, sun god glorifying, fake planetary belief, the free masonic religions, and other control opposition religions, have rendered Yahweh tremendously, distant, beyond a sea of stars, to the point of being non existent ; producing generations of atheists that are ardent defenders of the fake ball earth, solar system lie, and unknowing promoters of ancient satanic coded, cosmic architecture, and the satanic "mocking" doctrine of opposites…

    Speed of the satanic earth's orbit : 18.5 mps = 66,600

    Tilt of the satanic earth's orbit : 23.4 degrees = 66.6 degrees off 90 degree horizontal.

    Speed of satanic helios solar system whisking through supposed space : 660, 000 mph

    * AN OUT OF NOTHINGNESS, BIG BANG… vs Yahweh's ever presence preceding His creation. Gen 1:1

    * SUN BEFORE EARTH…. vs Yahweh's earth before sun.. Gen. 1:2

    * LAND BEFORE OCEANS…. vs Yahweh's oceans before land.. Gen. 1:9 * MAN EVOLVED FROM LIQUID….. vs Yahweh's man created from solid matter.. Gen. 2:7

    * SPACE IS ABOVE AND BELOW US….. vs Yahweh's water above and below us.. Psalms 75:3, Psalms 148:4

    * EARTH IS ROUND, SET ON AN AXIS, AND IS MOVING AROUND A STATIONARY MASSIVE SUN…. vs Yahweh's stationary flat earth, set on pillars, with a small sun and moon revolving under the firmament.. Psalms 75:3, Psalm 96:10, Psalms 104:5, Isaiah 45:18, 1 Samuel 2:8

    ALL LIES, LUCIFERIAN CODED, DISPLAYING THE RITUALISTIC DOCTRINE OPPOSITES, AND THE SATANIC NUMBER NINE ; as it blasphemously show cases Helios, the sun god, centralized, deriving obeisance from the nine fake bodies in constant controlled revolution around him ; pure evil..

    Many lack the force of will to resist the evil heliocentric ball earth programming because it has not been given them to believe in the ABOVE and BELOW mysteries of Christ's resurrection, and the gospel of peace…. neither to the true heavenly and earthly architecture, relative to dwellings, and all the stages of ascension and descension, in all high and low places… This intrigue of the mystery of Yahweh's secret place in the heights, and His attached, vaulted footstool "earth', below Him, is having an awakening effect upon His elect, however ; We sense deliverance from the 500 year plus, strong, outer space delusion, perpetuated by today's lying false prophets, both secular and apostate….. On the other hand, these wonders are purposefully meant to have no appeal to those Yahweh has hardened, since these have been given a spirit of mockery to vehemently oppose the recent revelation….. Their destiny is to embrace the imminent fake alien disclosure, to surrender their wills to the miracle wielding beast ( Rev. 17 ; 17 ) ; having been subjected, without a heart of suspicion, to big bang, atheistic, "life on other worlds", Luciferian coded, fake space indoctrination…… Proverbs 16 : 4 ( The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. )

  3. When I first saw the evidence and realized the Moon missions were a fraud, I was ashamed. I was very proud of what I thought America had done. Then I had to accept that it all was a grand deception. It was either that or play the fool.

    Then having realized that the Earth was flat. I was ashamed again. That I hadn't believed what the Bible had so clearly said all along.

    Coming to the truth can be a humbling experience. You have to be willing to admit you were wrong. I don't make the excuse that I was deceived. I had a choice to what I wanted to believe. I chose to be prideful. But the truth has set me free. I am a better Christian for it.

    It is a humble person who can admit when he was wrong and choose to join the minority who are willing to follow the truth no matter where it goes and what the consequences.

    Thanks, Rob for your humility and courage and your faith in the Word of God. You and yours are in our prayers.

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