TFR – 186 – Quest4Truth – Enoch Study: Chapters – 87/88 through 89/90 FYTube

Picking up where we left off last week in our study of the book of Enoch, this time covering chapters 87/88 – 89/90.

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  1. Everything that is going on now is just another part of Satan's big plan to divide God's people. This country was already divided with republicans hating democrats, democrats hating republicans and in so many other ways. A divided population is exactly what Satan wants with the express purpose of bringing us all together again under anti-christ rule! When that evil one starts out he will seem like the perfect one to bring the world together under one currency, one religion, one everything and all will be happy and give him the love and praise that belongs to our beloved King Jesus Christ! Problem is it will not last, before too long his true colors will start to show and then watch out! Do not be deceived, God has told us what will happen beforehand so we are not among the deceived. Understand now that this make it almost impossible to live in America and not worship this evil so called savior, if your money does not work without the mark (vaccine??) in your right hand or far head you can not buy food, pay for gas, pay your property taxes or anything. If you can not pay your property taxes you will lose your house so you will be out in the street with (at best) a tankful of gas and if you are lucky a destination where there are others in the same boat so do not wait until that happens, when you start to see all this coming together THAT is the time to try your best to get away to somewhere. To where? I wish I knew, perhaps up north somewhere where believers are gathering together, perhaps Mexico or some other country that is not quite as organized as America. If you have any money saved try to buy as much silver, gold and other valuable things to quietly trade with someone that already has the mark for a tankful of gas or a bag of groceries. We still have time, how much God only knows, I used to think possibly 30 or 40 years left but Satan's plan seems to be coming together faster than could have believed only a few months ago! Also if you are one of those that think Jesus will rapture us before things get too crazy read John's gospel chapter 17 verse 15 where Jesus Himself prays that His people NOT be taken out of the world but to be protected from the evil. That verse was meant for us today, not for His then followers, they were looking for a political leader to lead them out of Roman rule not to be taken out of the world. Today with millions of 'Christians" praying to be raptured it is not going to happen. I just can not believe that Jesus's personal friends that He lived, ate and traveled with had to all (with one exception, John) die hideous deaths to show their faith but we will get taken up when things start getting just a little hairy. Really? Yes, people actually believe that! They say that we are not appointed to receive God's wrath and that is true, however we ARE appointed to receive some of Satan's wrath!! Even if we have to face beheading as Jesus has told us that is MUCH better than what some of our King's followers went through. Many being burned at the stake or thrown in the rink with hungry lions and even worse tortures. Peter was crucified upside down! Beheading seems like a walk in the park compared to any of these brutal deaths. Do not be deceived, read the book we have been given, believe what it says and NOT what some person says that it says. Read it for yourself!! I think a great way to start is to start in the Gospels and just read the words in red, those are the words that Jesus spoke!! When you are done, read it again, then read it a third time before going back and reading new testament through. I do not know if we have the time to really study the entire Bible but do what you can the way I just outlined it. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked! Whatever a man sows that will he also reap. Sow love not hate, sow understanding not discord and whatever else you do READ your Bible and BELIEVE what it actually says NOT what someone else says that it says!! I do not go to church, If I could find one that TRULY preaches the Bible (as they all SAY they do) then I would go but I have not found a church that does that! After usually after just one visit I see something being said or done that does not agree with the Bible. This is serious people, MORE than life or death, Eternal bliss vs. eternal torture. READ your Bible, believe what says and ignore the so called experts who went to seminary and preaches what they were taught from professors that teach what THEY were taught. It might sound like truth and it can be very convincing and if you do not really know what God has said you will fall for the lies and deception. I pray that you listen to what I am saying and actually READ what Jesus said for yourself and forget what you are told by some "expert" who, however well intentioned he might be, Jesus knows better, believe HIM. God Bless you all!!

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