HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible | Ezekiel Knew What Many Didn’t Know FYTube

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through Artlist.io
►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

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Title: HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible | Ezekiel Knew What Many Didn’t Know
The prayers are located at the end of the video.


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Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.

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  1. Jesus Christ is the Head of the body Colossians 1 :18.
    Believers are members of His body. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.
    Jesus is just the Head, and as He prepares to come, those who are dead in Him will be resurrected first 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, as the trumpets are sounded, out of the grave, and go up and find their places in His body- in their order. Then, when it gets to the outermost parts, God will blow the last trumpet, and those that are alive and remain- meaning, abiding, watching, waiting, expecting, and love His appearing, will be caught up to fill up the rest of the parts of His body- in the twinkling of an eye, 1 Corinthians 15:52, and the new Creation 2 Peter 1:4; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 8:19; James 1:18, the adopted sons of God in Christ Jesus, is now ready! A gigantic unseen hitherto Creation that will replace Lucifer- the cherub that covered, Ezekiel 28:14-16, who was the closest to God. And this new Creation gets to sit at the right hand of God in heavenly places, and no place for rhe devil anymore! Revelation 12:7-8.
    Thus, believers already had their positions ready in His body- they're already sitted by faith with Him, Ephesians 2:6, in God, far above all principalities and powers and dominions and thrones and names, and all His enemies will become footstool for His (and our) feet and God has given all judgment to Him! John 5:22.
    We are now being made to be like Him 1 John 3:2-3. Just like He is at the moment we accept Him as Lord and Savior. We ask, and He gives us His Holy Spirit Luke 11:13, and He finds His place inside of us, as God's life- just like God breathed into the nostrils of Adam at creation, Genesis 2:7, and he became a living soul, likewise, Jesus Christ also breathed unto the dead, unregenerated man, at salvation, John 20:22, and he became a redeemed soul, to be ransomed at rapture.
    Then this life in him is developed day by day as he walks by the leading of the Holy Spirit, in the word of God, and is being transformed from glory to glory, 2 Corinthians 3:18, until he grows up to the fullness of the stature of Christ Ephesians 4:13- meaning to the exact measurement of the part he is, as a member of His body. It has to fit!
    This also is a mystery, but God does what He has purposed!
    Thus, man, who the devil has been trying to erase out of the system, has obtained what he lost and can never get back, and much more, now, man gets to sit- flesh and bone, in the presence of God, above even the angels! They don't need to be tried, because they abided in the fold till the end John 10; John 15; Matthew 24:13.
    The rest of the believers who do not make the body, which were delivered during the tribulation, for they are many Revelation 7:9, are given their rewards as their works shows, when they're tried by fire! 1 Corinthians 3:13-15; Revelation 22:12.
    So now, we get to decide where we want to be. God will always be righteous and just when He metes out judgment, and every mouth will be stopped on that day! Romans 3:19. He is appearing very soon! Be watchful, be prayerful and love His appearing!

  2. It is appointed unto man, once to die and then judgment Hebrews 9 27-28. Those who have placed their trust in the sacrificial death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, are already dead to sin, which wages is death Romans 61-14. So they cannot die again, as they continue in faith till the end. So they daily put off the old man and put one Christ, Ephesians 4:22-24, they're changed from glory to glory 2 Corinthians 3:18.
    We must remember that it was Moses himself who asked the Lord to kill him Numbers 11:15 (Out of frustration by the arrival and presence and nagging of his father in law. God honored his request, even though it wasn't God's will.
    Because he had been in the presence of God, his body was glorified, his eyes even glowed from the brightness of the glory of God's presence Exodus 34:24-34.Such glorified body could not see the corruption of death. He died, because Jesus Christ hadn't conquer death at that time and all power in heaven and in the earth and under the earth hadn't yet been given to Him. God hid his body until it was confirmed that Jesus was going to the cross for the redemption of the soul and body of man. He appeared with Elijah on the mount of transfiguration Matthew 27:1, as he was finally restored into glory, with Elijah- who also had asked God to let him die! 1 Kings 18:3 (Out of frustration with the threats of Jezebel to take his life), he was taken out of this world in a chariot of fire.
    Men of God get their physical bodies changed before death or destruction: Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego had their bodies miraculously changed, so fire couldn't kindle on them Daniel 3:19-30 (Even thoughthe king had already roasted some priests before them, as a way to pressure them Jeeemiah 20:29); Daniel as well, so the lions couldn't devour him Daniel 6: 16-28, but devoured all his enemies instead. The man of God from Judah- the lion that killed him couldn't devour his body 1Kings 13:24 (because of his disobedience to the directives of God); the Apostle Paul was stoned and killed, and his body dragged on the gravelled ground out of the city, only for him to get up, dust his pants and move on with his evangelistic mission. Acts 14:19.
    Believers cannot die, because of who they are Luke 9:27, but and if they do, their bodies do not get corrupted because they have been ransomed by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ- his death, burial and resurrection. And they will not be affected by the pain of death and the power of the grave Psalm 16:10, 49:14; Isaiah 26:19
    1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians4;; Psalm 49:15, and they will be instantly transformed, as they would be during the return of Jesus Christ, to take them all out of this world and present them faultless before the presence of the Father, with exceeding joy!
    So, for whatever other reasons, which may apply, God has always closely guarded the lives of His people.
    But this is not the case with unbelievers, the pain of death and the grip of hell is upon their flesh for ever. Job 14:22; Psalm 49:14.

  3. God's glory entered and filled the temple at its dedication Exodus 40:9; 1 kings 8:11; 3 Chronicles 5:14; Ezekiel 43:5 and finally Revelation 15:8.
    The glory departed when Israel depended on the power and the presence of the ark of the covenant rather than on the God of the covenant 1 Samuel 4:2. The glory entered and filled the temple at the dedication, when Solomon prayed and made a huge sacrifice 2 Chronicles 7:3, and subsequently but reluctantly departed finally from the midst of the people when it became certain that the people of God were going into captivity Ezekiel chapters 8-11, because of their blatant immorality and idolatry.
    Thus the book of God's dealing with Israel was going to be shut until the land got its 70 years rest: Jeremiah 29:12; Daniel 9:2, then they will be resettled in the promised land.
    But by the 69th week year, Israel hasn't learned obedience, so the book was shut in Daniel 12:4: no one can have access to it, whether literate or illiterate. Isaiah 29:10-14.
    No one was found worthy to go get the book from the right hand of Him that sat on the throne and that was completely sealed, except the Lamb- Who is the Lion from the tribe of Judah, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ only! Revelation 5.
    He came into the world, entered into the synagogue (He, the Glory of God came in amongst His people), and took the book and opened it, thus heralding the gospel coming of the kingdom of God among His people Luke 4:16-19; Daniel 9:24c; Isaiah 61:2a.
    Thus, He ushered in the acceptable year of the Lord, before it culminates into the day of the vengeance of our God, or the tribulation.
    The acceptable year of the Lord and the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of God transitioned into the preaching of the gospel of grace, when Israel rejected Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Son of man, (He left the temple, thus The Glory departed from the midst of His people, Matthew 23:37-39, 24:1), and He was crucified, died, and was buried John 12:32). He arose the 3rd day and ascended into the heavenly places, sprinkled His blood on the mercy Seat, for the propitiation of the sins of all who would simply believe- both Jews and gentiles.
    When the number of believers are complete, the second part of the prophecy will begin to unfold: the day of vengeance of our God. Isaiah 6:2b; 63:4; Psalm 2:5, 9…
    This has already started, when all places of worship were permitted to be shut, a couple of years back, and now we are entering and witnessing the beginning of the end of the gospel of grace: meaning, no more salvation by grace through faith in the sacrificial and finished work of salvation of the soul of man by Jesus Christ on Calvary, until Israel is restored into the promised land Ezekiel 36, then God will begin to deal with them again, until the gospel of the kingdom culminates into the end of the world system.
    There may still be a window of opportunity, however it is getting so slim. Thus, God will no longer be available to anyone directly or otherwise.
    This time, the book will not be shut until it is all fulfilled Revelation 22:10.
    The next event is the coming down of the Head of the body from heaven at the last trumpet sound.
    We have witnessed the soundings of trumpets a while back, they're even recorded and posted on YouTube for reference. I believe this is where the saints that were asleep in the Lord are being raised to take their particular places in the body (hence all the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and tsunamis and sinkholes in many and diverse places, they're being resurrected).
    When we hear the last trumpet blow, it will be time for us that are alive and remain to go up to occupy our individual places as members of His body. 1 Thessalonians chapters 4-5.
    Then, the being that they will become will be that gigantic Creature that was made and was subject to vanity will have its hope fulfilled Romans 8:7-39, when this flesh will be discarded and we put on the glory that the Son had promised John 17:23.
    This Creation will rest on the mount of Olives, Zechariah 14, which will split into two, to make a way of escape for the elect Jews until the end of the tribulation Matthew 24:21, 38-44, after which the third gospel- the everlasting gospel, Revelation 14:6-7, be preached by the angel, so that no one will have any excuses on the day of judgment- some may claim that they believed in angels, so that would be for their benefit, and God will be Just and Righteous when He metes out His justice! Revelation 14:9-20- 19:1-15; Isaiah 66:24; Psalm 2:9-12.
    Then the millennium will begin, also, the last part of Isaiah 61:2c, where God will comfort all that mourn. Man will go back to the way he was in Genesis 5; Isaiah 65, but will now live out the whole 1000 years or 1 day curse, so that the new heaven and the new earth can be prepared like it was in the garden of Eden, now, only for the righteous, and those that endure till the end Genesis 3:3; Revelation 2:7.
    Finally, man can now live for all eternity in his new and glorious body- flesh and bone-! (Which has always been the bane of the devil's existence, for we will be as He is, restored, in all His glory, that was lost in Eden!
    John 17; Luke 24:39; Ephesians 5:30; Genesis 2:23; 2 Samuel 5:1…This is the hope and expectation of the believer!
    Be encouraged.

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