1. I have some words of encouragemenr in the midst of whats going on.

    It might sound wierd, but it is for real. Its long because I've tried to and any faqs.
    Why does evil exist (and how can it be fixed), how is the whole "Jesus dying" thing really relevant to anything? To you?  if you still have any questions let me know x

    First, what is evil? Well, the Bible calls it the breaking of God's laws – and God intends for this world to be perfect in every way. He also wants us to have perfect lives too – thats a part of His plan… What is perfect? Well, not stealing regardless of how insignificant it may seem, not saying a single evil word against anyone – not to mention God sees our thought life.

    Notice something?
    God's intent for us APPEARS to be the exact OPPOSITE of human nature and desires!

    That's exactly what the Bible says, we're "born into sin" and "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" – Romans 3:23 After the first sin in the Garden, when Adam and Eve obeyed Satan rather than God, Satan took over our hearts and desires, making them inclined to sin rather than perfection

    God has set aside a day where all who have done evil will be brought to justice – God sees all evil and intends to do away with it permanently.

    BUT: God is love. He doesn’t want to see His children cut off from Him, He wants to forgive them. But if a judge let off a murderer in court Scott-free, that would be corrupt. God couldn’t simply leave evil unpunished, but because of love He sent Jesus – His own Son – to take our punishment instead. He came down to live a perfect life without sin, conquering all evil – the evil that has been done to us and the evil that has been committed on our part in life. He was then sentenced to death on a cross.

    While on the cross, God poured out the anger and wrath of sin and evil on His Son – getting Jesus to pay OUR fine of damnation, unbearable pain, being separated from God. EVERY single evil thought, word or deed that doesnt line up with God' perfection, committed knowingly or unknowingly, Jesus took the complete, undiluted wrath for.

    And, like a fine in court, Jesus paying for it means we can go free. Not just free, but we can experience God's love as all punishment was carried on the cross and crucified there for all who believe. He then rose from the grave on the third day, demonstrating His sovereignity and innocence and power over not just the sins and pains and temptations of this life, but DEATH.


    You may be wondering why it isn’t done away with now – There will come a day when Jesus will return and those who belong to Him will rise from their graves) and go to Heaven, and those who rejected His salvation, message and teachings, continuing in evil ways will suffer Hell to pay their fines for all eternity without a second chance.

    There isnt a magic formula to remove pain but there IS a Person who wants to help you through it. The one who loves you deeply and is grieved at the evil in the world  the only reason He has not come to remove all evil yet is because he wants EVERYONE to have a chance to know Him and be free from sin and guilt – He doesn’t want ONE to die. He wants everyone to be saved and have a crown of life and victory in Heaven, where death, mourning, pain and fear will NEVER touch you again. Jesus was tempted in every way we were and experienced abuse, pain and even loss. He can not only sympathise with you, but HELP you because he overcame through love and righteousness.

    How can you be free from guilt and sin? How can you enter into a love that will begin to heal you, walk with you and free you from the torment? He wants you to repent (turn away from sin and pursue God's PERFECT intent for your life, striving in the opposite direction like we were before the garden).

    Despite all that has happened, know that He loves you and an has plan for your life, a plan that involves freedom from fear, overcoming pain and a being a partaker of perfect love that will begin to make you whole. The answer isnt a formula, but a Person. A Person who has taken away all that would separate you from this healing, perfect love. The sin, the gaping hole between you and Him, has been crucified and now all that's left is love. He wants to recreate you from the pained brokenness into the perfect moral image of Him – just like we were before the sin in the garden – He wants to make you true child of Him.

    He loves you and wants you to have faith in Him, if you let Him will take the wheel of your life and allow any pitfalls (As Satan doesn’t take those who leave His camp lightly) to be woven together to make you His and bring you back into that image.

    What if I still sin when Ive accepted Christ's death and resurrection on my behalf?

    Thats why Christ died. For your SIN. When God looks at you, striving towards Him or even falling, He sees the Christ’s righteous life in place of your current, sinful reality. For those striving away from sin, regardless of the pitfalls, God sees Jesus's victory in place of your inability, and His blood so yours will never have to be shed for your sin.

    Religion = rules to be saved

    The gospel = Christ saved us already we just have to believe it by faith alone in Christ alone. The fruits of the spirit “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” and the desire to follow Him come from a true, maturing faith that produce a loving, obedient life overtime.

    God knows our weakness and struggles with sin and pain. Tell Him you are struggling and are unsure – God can and will work with even the slightest desire within you to follow Him and be free from sin. Even if you are simply willing to be MADE willing, or need more faith, ask for it x

    Where do I start to learn about God's plan and His promises to me? Well, Matthew and Luke in the Bible are good for reading about Christ’s life and our redemption. Do it in stages and imagine the events and miracles as they really happened – the Bible is a true account after all.

    And when and note it says WHEN, you struggle and fall on this lifelong process, know you can pray for forgiveness, dust yourself off again and get up because Jesus already bore our guilt and shame.

    If you take a step – just a step – towards Him, He will take a step towards you. Read through this prayer, get the gist of it and if you feel it reflects your desire, just say it – trust God and give it all to Him because He has the – perfect – master plan. YOU ARE NEVER TOO SINFUL OR TOO FAR THAT GOD CANNOT BRING YOU BACK HOME.

    Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save myself. I confess my complete helplessness to forgive my own sin or to work my way to heaven.
    At this moment I trust Christ alone as the One who bore my sin when He died on the cross. I believe that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence. I thank you that Christ was raised from the dead as a guarantee of my own resurrection.
    As best as I can, I now transfer my trust to Him.
    I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures. Father, I take you at your word.
    I thank you that I can face anything now that you are my Savior.
    Thank you for the assurance that you will walk with me through the deep valley. Thank you for hearing this prayer.

    In Jesus’ Name,
    Amen xx

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