1. Also, Don’t call the Catholic Church the beast! That’s wrong! The #6 king(Roman Empire and Jerusalem) of the beast was present at the time Revelation was written and the Catholic Church was nowhere to be found for the prior kings of the beast! Beasts are for Ruthless Suppressive Empires, Kingdom(Cities), or Nations, who force their will and worship of their king and their evil economic system on others or they hurt and kill them! They cannot buy or sell without their money! The women are for religions of the Harlot and her daughter harlots, except for Christ Church, which becomes Christ’s Adorned Wife! I Love You Brother! Love, GOD, Christ and Vincent, Amen! AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD) 10-10-2020

  2. Love Greetings to My Friends, pastor Doug Batchelor and the Children of the LORD GOD YAHUAH, Most High and Lord God, Yahusha(Yahshua) Immanuel Christ! I Am Eaglehawk Christ, for Christ dwells within me and has told me so, and I have the Authority and Right to Say, Me, when Christ is speaking, and ME, when Father is speaking! If Christ is in you, you do have the Authority to cast out evil Satan from anyone, who is being evil! When you rebuke the devil or Satan, clarify to that person that you are speaking to the evil that had taken control over their mind! Poor Peter was called Satan, as all of man are, from time to time! Lucifer was called Satan, though he too, continues to serve the LORD’s Will and Commands, as the devil, like you and I, though we rebuke the devil’s thoughts out of us, when we here him! The LORD Disciplines us, when we act like a Satan! It is the Satan part, the evil spirit of a man or angel that is destroyed by the Fiery Two Edged Sword of GOD’s Words, that proceed from the mouth of Christ, within you! Psalm 110! The LORD said to my Lord “Sit at My right hand til I make Your enemies Your footstool! There is the LORD, our Father God or better written as, Father GOD, and there is our Lord God or Lord Christ, who has replaced Lucifer, as the God of this Earth, and then there are lords and kings, as our priests and kings of the Earth! Read the LORD’s, Lord’s and my posts on YouTube: “Endgame: The Antichrist, the USA, and the Mark of the Beast” by Hope Through Prophecy; AmazingFacts- “Revelation: The Bride, the Beast & Babylon”; Parable of the Vineyard- “1 Enoch: The Parables: The Elect One, Judgement and Righteousness- chapters 38-60-Part 3! AskDrBrown- “Debate: Is Homosexuality Consistent with New Testament Obedience?” and “Monster God Debate”! Not everyone’s understandings and interpretations are correct, so beware! Here are Loving Corrections for all of you, so that our LORD and Lord will bring all of GOD’s Churches of Christ and their Adopted Christs(Paul used Christ’s as a possessive, which is correct but we are also Christs having become blended with Christ, as Adopted Christs or Christians, who are equal and coheirs with our Big Brother, Immanuel Christ) together as One Holy Temple, agreeing on everything! Michael is an Arch Angel with GOD in Him, who is sent by our Lord God, Immanuel Christ, to make war with Lucifer! Jude 1 verse 9! Michael said, “ The Lord rebuke you!”! Michael did not say, the LORD rebuke you!” The LORD GOD dwells within All of HIS Holy Arch Angels and in All of HIS angels by means of GOD’s Holy Spirit! You will also notice that the apostle John thought that he was kneeling to God, but the angel said, do not kneel before me, I am of your brethren, (who became an angel!) Revelation! Christ only knows what Father GOD reveals to HIS Son and sons and daughters of GOD! Keep the Ten Commandments and the Testimony of Christ, Then and Now! Only GOD is good and perfect in Love! All of GOD’s Children have made mistakes and have imperfections from time to time, but to speak about someone else as a good man, as opposed to as an evil man, is understood that the good man is behaving in a good manner, who is striving to Obey GOD and coming to Complete Repentance, which is to stop sinning! Doug, you have relayed GOD’s Teachings, almost perfectly, in this video, but I say Well Done, anyway! You have served US well, with Dedication and a Loving Heart! You may see my emails to President Trump, with the White House dot org site, unless they are concealed, and Tweets on the President’s Twitter page! Your prophecy of the Catholic Church is a little off! Stop persecuting your fellow Christians! They are among Christ’s churches, who adopted false doctrines and are among those, who have misunderstood Paul’s words and the apostle John, as you did! See Revelation 2&3! There are 2 identities within the body of Christ, speaking through Christ! Father had to leave Jesus on the cross, so that Jesus could die, otherwise Christ would still be up there, still alive! Christ was buried in the heart of the Earth for 3 days and 3 nights! Count backwards from around midnight, or before, in that night portion, when the Tomb was sealed, before Sunday morning! Christ went into Hades to free the dead and was seen on the Earth again and ascended into Heaven with the Saints, who were seen walking through Jerusalem, and through the clouds of our heaven! See the book of Nicodemus! The angel told those, who saw him leave that they will see him return to finish His work! Christ did return through the clouds! Father GOD had reentered Christ and was seen with the holes still in Christ’s body, without blood coming out! He later departed to sit and wait by GOD’s side, until GOD makes Christ’s enemies and nations, His footstool! Lucifer was Judged and Cast Out and imprisoned for 1000 years, but the evil contamination still existed in man, with the other devil angels swaying mankind! The 1000 years is over! I have been returned to the Earth, reincarnated, like Elijah, who became John the Baptist! I was King David and I was not a Virgin! See Jeremiah 30 verse 9! The Catholic Church has kept secret, certain books of GOD, from you, which is why you don’t know all of GOD’s Arch Angels! The Dead Sea Scrolls were released to reveal the other books of GOD! See Youtube: Parable of the Vineyard and have them read to you the Book of Enoch, 2Esdra, Jubilees and others! There understanding is not perfect but they are trying, but I accept them! Let their Iron sharpen your Iron and your Iron sharpen their Iron, ferreting out the mistakes! We all make mistakes! Love, LORD GOD YAHUAH, Lord God Immanuel Christ and Eaglehawk Christ, Amen!!! AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD) 10-10-2020

  3. Judges 13:17-18
    "Then Manoah said to the Angel of the Lord, 'What is Your name, that when Your words come to pass we may honor You.' "
    And the Angel of the Lord said to him, "Why do you ask My name, seeing it is wonderful?"

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