1. The ONLY thing that happened in 1844 was a false prophecy of christs followed by the shutting of the church door to 1851claiming probation was over for everyone outside the church a auspicious start for a denomination claiming to be the remnant church of the bible placing itself above any other church worldwide who accepts christ as there SAVIOUR TOTALLY UNBIBLICAL cannot be SUBSTANTIATED by scripture in any way or form

  2. Love Greetings to the Children of GOD! I Know! I know that Joel Osteen and Jonathan Cahn mean well and serve the Lord with the knowledge that GOD has been given to them! Joel Osteen serves GOD well, in promoting Positive Affirmations, but don’t Lie about yourself, while giving Positive Affirmations! Just saying a statement of belief, does not mean that you are Born Again yet, though Joel and his wife believes that! You may speak prophetically in saying, “ I Will Become Strong, by the Power of GOD, and then say, I Am Now Strong, through GOD and Christ, who Love me and responds to my prayers, and gives me good things that I ask for! Yes! Let the weak say that they are Strong, but put forth your prayers to GOD, first, for Strength and then declare it before GOD! Do not put forth lies about yourself, without the prayer of recognition about yourself, as being sinful and remorseful to GOD, in Truth! Many good caring people mean well, but it doesn’t mean that they are True in all things, as no one is Perfectly Good and True, except our Creator, LORD GOD, YAHUAH! It thundered near the end of Jonathan Cahn’s preaching at Washington D.C., as an affirmation that GOD was speaking, but this was before Jonathan spoke about being Born Again, while you are still in your Fleshly Bodies and have not yet received the Full Embodiment of the Holy Spirit but just the Seed of HIS Words, and have not entered the Spiritual Realm, when you can See the Kingdom of GOD and All of HIS Glory! Remember, that the imagination is not valid for really Seeing, as even evil people can do that! Even the devil performs Signs and Wonders, even to make fire rain down from Earths heaven! First it rained down as the evil weapons of Ancient times, with flaming arrows and catapult balls of fire! Now, we have Missiles! All it takes is one false teaching by the devil, to divide a church or cause harm to the children of GOD, to weaken their faith and become disillusioned, even to depart from GOD and HIS Churches of Christ, and saying that this is impossible! Find a Restored Church of GOD and Christ, if they refuse to change and remove their errors! And Yes! Some are poor relayers of GOD’s Truths, having already been deceived by the devil! My priests, do not call yourselves Father, with a capital (F), Rabbi, teacher or doctor, for there is One Father, One Teacher, and One Healer, who is in Christ and All of His priests and children! Peter realized how difficult it was to read and understand Paul’s writings, but did not fully grasp the importance of staying away from them, until you are founded on the Basic Truths! Paul’s writings harmed the Churches of Christ, even to the establishing of false doctrines and dividing the churches, as seen between the Catholic Churches and the Protestant Churches, but they are still all Christ’s Churches with errors! It is never a good idea to be called a Protester! 2 Peter 3, verses 15 through 17! Do you think Paul should have called himself an apostle of Christ, if he did not walk with Christ, while Christ was on the Earth?! I say, no! Paul was a disciple, with either mistakes in the writings or lacked clarity in the writings, leading to confusion, plus, we are also not certain whether these writings were modified in the rewrites or have been added to by the beast, or prideful scribes with errors, who thought they were doing GOD and Christ a service! There should not be contradictions between the gospels and Paul’s writings, which apparently there are, especially about being Born Again, unless the Christians he was speaking to, Truly received the Full Embodiment of GOD, the Father, while they were in the Flesh, that the people of today have not yet experienced, but are claiming in ignorance that they have received! But then, no one would have to be taught anything by anyone! I don’t think you should test this theory by being bit by a poisonous rattle snake! The Love and Understandings that GOD has put into your Heart and Mind, will help you to realize how imperfect past writings have been, which have caused divisions among the churches of GOD! This is a Challenge and a Mental Exercise! Gosh! I had forgotten how to spell exercise! Thank GOD for the Dictionary! Come together in Agreement, as One Church of GOD and Christ! Remove the plank in your own eye, before persecuting and pointing the finger at other Churches of GOD and Christ! Correct me, if I have made a mistake, for I am not perfect in knowledge, history or Love, either! Edify one another in Love, but do not criticize one another, to Spiritually harm someone! Harmful and hurtful assumptions, criticisms and false accusations, are coming from the devils, like those coming out of the demon Democrats, who are trying to harm our President Trump, our belief in GOD, and our Great Nation, which is under GOD! Amen! AMEN!!!!!!! Love, LORD GOD, Immanuel Christ and Eaglehawk Christ, Amen! AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD) 10-11-2020

  3. Let no pastor, like Jonathan Cahn or Joel Osteen and the like, who have misunderstood Paul, deceive you about what it means to be Born Again! When you are Born Again, you have GOD’s Full Embodied Holy Spirit entering you, where you can then stop sinning and you will be endowed with the Powers of GOD, able to heal, able to not be affected by a poisonous snakes bite, without an antidote, able to speak in another persons language, without having studied, and it won’t be gibberish! When you are Born Again, others will See the signs of a White Spirit, like a dove descending on you, or a flame of fire above your head and you may glow, like Moses! The signs will follow you! Paul’s words of once you know the Truth and have sinned again, that their is no more sacrifice for sins, is only for those who reject and blaspheme GOD, after they have been Empowered and received the Full Knowledge or Embodiment of GOD inside of them! For most people, in order to See the Kingdom of GOD and the Heavenly Hosts, you must shed the flesh! Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! They must be Born Again into the Spiritual Dimension, to See the Heavenly Realm, except if GOD permits you to see it, prior to being Born Again! Christ spoke of the planting of the seed on or in the Earth and the Earth getting ready to give birth to the Sons and Daughters of GOD, as the sperm that enters the egg must grow into a fetus, waiting to be Born onto the Earth, with a Fleshly Body, but that fetus may be aborted, if something goes wrong, and will die before or right after being born into this World! These are the Hypocrites and those who say they are Christs or Christians and are not! The Word of GOD or Seed of Christ, if planted on a hard rock, will wither and die, when the Sun rises and scorches it! Seeds planted without the frequent Watering of GOD’s Words, also dries out and withers and dies! The virgins must fill up their Lamps with the pure virgin oil of GOD’s Words before Christ arrives to retrieve the dead and those who are presently living! The apostles were all Baptized with Water but had to absorb and grow with 3 and 1/2 years of hearing GOD’s Words, through HIS Son, Yahshua Immanuel Christ, and then on Pentecost Sunday, received the Holy Spirit, the invisible Spirit of GOD, with Powers! In Revelation 2&3, the Churches of GOD and Christ were baptized with Water, but Christ said that they must overcome their sins and false doctrines, to be given the Gift of Eternal Life, which is the Indwelling of GOD’s Holy Spirit with Powers and Life Flowing Waters within, thus Knowing GOD! How many people have committed suicide or felt lost forever because of Paul’s lack of clarity or confusing way of writing or the devil’s false teachings that entered him! All are vulnerable to the devil, even in front of Christ! The devil entered Judas Iscariot and Christ spoke of Peter, saying the devil has ask for him, to sift through him! This teaching of Paul is not how Christ describes of Being Born Again! The unpardonable sin, as written down in Matthew, is in error or incomplete! An incomplete statement or lack of clarity often leads to mistaken interpretations! An evil king or priestly scribe, in rewrites, may be responsible for this error or added insertion! If the Love and Holy Spirit of GOD was In Christ and One with Christ, who made Christ say in Love, that if anyone blasphemes the Son of Man, it will be Forgiven, then that also is True for the Holy Spirit, who spoke through Christ! Instead, some devil got into the writing and wrote that it won’t be Forgiven, if the Holy Spirit is blasphemed against, which is a Lie! Seventy times seven you shall Forgive your brother, who sins against you, upon Repentance! Revelation 13 verses seven through ten, reveals that the Faith and Patience of the Saints, with the Holy Spirit, are those who do not kill, like the beast, but slay the evil man with the Words of GOD, to bring them to Repentance! The Book of Acts, chapter 5 is a Lie and an Abomination, when it describes the Holy Spirit of murdering Ananias and Sapphira at the feet of Peter, for Lying to the Holy Spirit! Christ never demonstrated this type of behavior! They weren’t even offered a chance to leave the church and come back, after they’ve Repented! Ananias is said to have baptized Paul! Then later on, Paul is said to have blinded an evil man with the Power of GOD! This is an evil that the beast(the 6th king-Roman Empire and the False Prophet, Old Jerusalem with her Babylonian Pharisees) would do! They did succeed in overcoming the Christians with their Lies, and the Image of the beast was worshipped with its Leaders as Gods and her economic system, which was copied by every kingdom and nation, throughout the Earth! Render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar and the things of GOD to GOD, HIS deserving of worship, prayers, praise in words and songs, and charity to the least of GOD’s Children! The Coming Kingdom of GOD, will Not use money to buy or sell, but will be operated like the Family of GOD! The people of this World, worship money as their God and they use it in their hand, to buy or sell! The Mark of the beast is an invisible sign, just as GOD’s Mark is an invisible sign of Obedience to the Ten Commandments and the Testimony of Christ! King Lateinos, the originator or founder of the Latin Empire, which became the Roman Empire, his name adds up to 666! Calculate the number of the man, for it is the number of the beast! In Latin(not Roman letter to number translation, which changed from the original Latin) letter to number translation! L= 30, A =1, T=300, E=5, I=10, N=50, O=70, S=200, totaling 666! Which Caesar or King of Jerusalem stood in the Holy Temple of GOD, claiming to be God and Blasphemed the name of God?! Have you heard the statement, “There is no God but Caesar!” in the movies?! Much of the past has been fulfilled! Revelation is a revealing of the past, present, and future! The Wrath of GOD is being fulfilled by the USA, today, on the Descendants of the Ancestors of the Babylonian Empire! We are the Nation from Afar, on the other end of Earths heaven, as described in Isaiah, 10 verse 3, and 13 verses 1 through 11! The USA has the Weapons of God’s Indignation! The Holy City of the New Jerusalem is made up of Christ and Adopted Christs, with GOD in US, which is Mount Zion! Its late, children of GOD! Repent! Thank You, my LORD GOD, for your Word and Words of GOD and Christ! Amen! You Are Welcome!!!!!!! Love, LORD GOD YAHUAH, Yahshua Immanuel Christ and Vincent Eaglehawk Christ, Amen! AMEN!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 VJS(Prophet of GOD) 🙂 10-10-2020

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