Quest4Truth and NowYouSeeTV: Commentary on Q4T Episode 8 FYTube

This was our 8th interactive program where Doug Hamp and Rob Skiba partner with NowYouSeeTV to address questions from the audience regarding our Q4T Episode 8 show.

To participate in the next live show, please be sure to watch Quest4Truth Episode 9 first:

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  1. RE: Books of Bible (KJV) I think the main point everyone misses is this…

    Is the Arm of God short?

    Heaven forbid!

    This means just as he set things in motion for Cyrus to be King long before he was born so also did he set forth what books should be in the most common printed Bible (KJV) that lasted for the last 400+ years.

    @Doug rather than thinking of new testament as commentary, think of Matt, Mark, Luke, John, etc… as witness accounts in a trial. After all Satan is the great accuser and he would have Jesus Christ convicted. These gospels are a testimony to who Christ was, the life he lived. Your description of the marriage relationship was good.

    @Rob in regards to the end of Revelation and the words of the book being altered, consider that Revelation 1:1 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" yes John was the deliverer of the message but God had full knowledge of where the book would end up, again the arm of the Lord is not short. I highly doubt it was meant only as a warning for Revelation.

    I am often perplexed that people seem to miss the most obvious things. God says he is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End. How would he know he is the End unless he's been there, seen it? And if he's seen the end, than he knows everything that has come before it. The understanding that "In the beginning…" (Gen. 1:1) should give people a clue to knowing that God was there before time was created, meaning he exists outside of time and therefore should easily be able to view the whole of time.

    @Doug RE: Gandhi quote. Perhaps the reason people were offended is because the quote is satanic. Let me explain. The quote "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others." seems uplifting on the onset but remember Satan masquerades as an angel of light" First the facts. Gandhi was a Hindu and Hinduism is not of God. If it's not of God than who is it from? Now think about the quote itself. Whom is missing? Our God, obviously. Note that the quote itself is about self empowerment without relying on any other entity which expressly identifies with Satan's character. Ultimately the quote in a Godly world might be something more akin to "The best way to find God is to lose yourself in service to others" or "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to God."

    We are now at about 1hr in.

    @Doug You are correct nuances and even single words can sometimes make a great difference in translations. If I were you, I wouldn't speak to others translations of the sacred texts especially when you don't know what their personal intents were, for instance if you've read the New World Translation (Jehovah's Witness) bible than perhaps you've seen how one organization can interpret things to fit their doctrines, even when their doctrines are incorrect. So to say there was no malicious intent might be questionable. Even the KJV has things like Easter being substituted for Pasach (Passover) which seems pretty deliberate. Re: Zondervan, in order to get bought out, you need to sell out. If the Bible has taught me anything it is that God's will is done

    RE: Hades (Heb 2.) We must remember that Satan is the god of this world. He deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit and through this deception Adam also. Now we know because of this "Death was brought into the world". Understand death existed before this, but was under God's dominion. When death entered the world, he was subsequently placed under Satan's dominion, since Satan is the god of this world. We should not confuse Death in Hebrews 2 with the Abyss in Rev 9:2 and the keys to the abyss. Which seems like both Rob and Doug didn't hear the question that was presented.

    Also consider this. We know God is not the author of confusion and yet Genesis 11:6-8 clearly shows the languages of the people being changed and the people being confused. We also have the story of the angel of death killing the first born in all the land of Egypt, and yet God is a lover of life. Some might see these things as contradictions, but God is not a God of contradiction. We can understand the working somewhat in part thanks to the book of Job. God gives permission for a spirit to enter our realm, now what the spirit does when it's here is due to it's own nature and it's obedience to God or lack there of.

    Now ask, what good is a key if you don't have the lock? A key by itself is useless. So, God giving Satan the key to the abyss doesn't much matter, unless man in his vanity serves Satan and finds/builds the lock for Satan's key. And this is the major problem which we are facing today. Satan holds no power except that which man gives him.

    +1 for Doug mentioning the removal of Sabbaths/Feasts. This is a huge one that the whole of what claims itself Christianity misses out on. God's feasts are his plan for us. Like a fire drill, they are practices for what is coming. I wish everyone loved the Sabbath and God's feasts!

    I can't help but think relics are irrelevant as the Lord says "An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it" (Matt 12:39)

    As tangible proof of flood, it's all around us. If you watch water receding or drying up from land on a small scale and then look at things like the Grand Canyon or even the way land masses are still separated by the waters between them it becomes obvious that waters covered the whole earth.

    RE: Resurrected Saints from Matthew 27:52-53 These indeed are first fruits but the harvest is not complete. This is a foreshadow of things to come when all the first fruits will be drawn to Christ. When planting a garden not all the first fruits are ripe at the same moment, hence the gathering of the first fruits at Pentecost. From this we can understand that these are just the beginning; a show to the faithful that God is Truth and the Lord's words can be trusted.

    When we read the scriptures we understand the nature of God by those that loved him. So think about perhaps how Abraham interceded on behalf of those in Sodom and Gomorrah and apply it to how Christ might have confronted Death in the Grave. Each day coming before death with a new request:

    Jesus Christ: You know full well, my innocence.
    Death: you're right, ok you can go.
    Jesus Christ: See these men here they are also my faithful servants that have served me well, they must come with me.
    Death: Ok take them.
    Jesus Christ: Those men there have also been servants to me, even though not as these others yet indeed they are true.
    Death: fine than, take them also.
    Jesus Christ: If perchance even one of these men left are a servant of my father I cannot leave them here, I must insist that they go with me. See this man here, he died next to me upon the cross and I confessed that by his truth he should be found guiltless and forgiven, would you deny me him?
    Death: Fine take all those that our yours and be gone and trouble me no more!

    my apologies for the poor scripts but I hope you get the point. God brings those that are the faithful of God with him upon his resurrection. He comes back the first and then others follow after. Of course this does not include all those that have died since the time of Jesus Christ's resurrection. They are still asleep we can know this from Rev. 6:9-11 &Rev. 20:4,6 (see Rev. 7:2-12)

    Most import is that we be obedient now, be judged now with Christ as our intercessor and be a part of the first resurrection. The opportunity for this seems to be closing rapidly in these last days.


  2. The 66 Books are a Picture of the MaNURaH (Golden Candlestick) with 7 lights and 66 Knot Bowls and Flowers total as part of it. But we still have the Tablenof Shewbread with 2 Stacks of 6 Loaves totaling Twelve Loaves. The Light and Bread of The Word. Also yes He was Crucified on Mount of Olives as You Say Exactly. So as far as the the Books of 66 and Another 12, these are just Precepts to enter in the Holy of Holies with The Ark of The Covenant and The Mercy Seat with the Golden Censor, Aaron's Rod that Budded, and Two Original Tables of Stone and The Golden Pot of Manna. To tie into the Revelation Study The 7 pieces of Furniture in Moses Tabernacle are a Picture of the 7 Churches and Line up Perfectly. The Courtyard, Holy Place, and The Holiest of Holies Tabernacle is tied into the Journey from Egypt thru the Wilderness into Canaans Land, for example in Egypt we Have the Blood of the Lamb on the Lintel and The Two Side Post, The Cloud and Fire to Guide, and The Waters at Red Sea all before Entering the Wilderness are exactly as The Blood of The Sacrifice, The Supernatural Fire accepting the Sacrifice at the Brazen Altar and The Water at the Brazen Laver all before entering the Holy Place tied to us Now as The Blood of the Messiah, The Fire of The Holy Spirit and The Waters of Baptism all the same.

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