Isaiah 53 – Who is the Suffering Servant? Messiah or Israel? FYTube

Is Isaiah 53 about a messiah, or about Israel as a nation suffering?

#Isaiah53 #Messiah #Israel

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  1. Speechless

    Meeting Notes 3/24/2021

    If the tribes will hear Me you will hear similar messages amongst yourselves.

    However pride will keep you thinking you are on the most right Way.

    That pride will get you lost.

    Without wisdom you just have knowledge.

    Without Good you have evil.

    In Me you will Know, In Me you will see Goodness. Apart from Me you have knowledge and evil.

    My Messages come in many forms. Through the ones I gift to teach, ones I gift to sing, the ones I gift the ability to mingle well with others (The ones who love to talk). My disciples of evangelist.

    They can even sit down with a homeless person like they are family.

    That takes a special kind of person.

    Even one who prophesying. It is only I your Elohim Yahuah that is The PROPHET.


    And I desire you all to prophesy.

    My Word Spoken through the Ruach to speak to My Body.

    His children speak His Words, which are One with HIS WORDS.

    [It is my mission to assist Abba with bringing 1 Corinthians 14 to life in the Body. There is a way, and order bound by our Father's.]

    [No one with the wrong heart can understand this scripture. Only the Heart of Yahuah can form this type of meeting,

    This is the meetings the Body craves. The manna from above]

    There can be no pride entering this type of meeting. It must be left at the door.

    And they argued over the resurrection.

    I ask you a question whose name do you type in when you wish to search online within My Gospel?

    Am I not Lord over that name? I AM the Name above all Name's.

    Twelve tribes;

    All uniquely different, but uniquely One.

    All bound by Torah.

    One tribe may be alcohol free.

    (Mathew 22: 23 for those that are checking)

    {They may have disagreed about this topic but they remained in unity for the sake of Hashem. There was no denomination; demonnation. They knew the importance of a unified Israel.}

    {These parenthesis { } are me inserting my thoughts; time after the day of the writing}

    [I don't think we all know just how fast it is in this world system to lose focus on Yahuah. And He is "THE WAY"]

    [Our minds like to move a million miles per hour.]

    This is what the search for knowledge is doing to you.

    What if 12 main YouTube channels are a tribe if you will? And “I Am” watching from above seeing if the tribes are more about seeking knowledge or about seeking Me?

    Are they more about sharing the Love through Torah with others, or making sure the calendar is right, (I set Noah's path strait, I set Abraham's path strait, even

    Moses' path strait. I AM the First and the Last. I, Yahuah will establish My 1st day of the 1st month when you find out the Passover of the second exodus.)

    Don't you think this day is revealed to a chosen people?

    (Romans 14)

    13) Therefore let us stop judging one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.

    {Stumbling block like drinking alcohol around another when you know a brother, a tribe is alcohol free.

    A Stumbling block like overdosing on medicines in place from Yahuah and His creation but not listening to those who I teach about the herbs of the earth.

    A Stumbling block of a worldly dressed woman or man}

    14) I am convinced, and fully persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.

    15) If your brother is distressed by what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother, for whom Christ died.

    {This does not say if I am distressed by what they eat, do this and that. Handle it the most loving way possible; hear your Ruach Hachodesh. Sometime exceptions, life of one matters comes up.}

    So if a tribe of those who know they can have nothing to do with Alcohol in any form, than the Law of Love expects this honor when gathering amongst this tribe of people.

    {To and Alcoholic; Alcohol is unclean.}

    There are tribes that understand the herbs of the earth, and how they can be abused, and led down dark roads if not used as honoring God for His purposes.

    And There is a tribe that treats herbs like the fruit of the vine drunkards, and this is unclean also.

    Let the Law of Love proceed.

    {It is about following Torah and giving others the total freedom to live within the rules of Torah.}

    Ones married from two different tribes must form agreements, and sacrifices to live under the agreements of a chosen tribe.

    Respect the differences of the tribes as well as the people within it.

    Honor the differences so long as those differences are within Torah.

    Torah is the Standard all tribes adhere to.

    Elders of the tribes will come to agreements on Torah matters. In the event of a 6 to 6 tie I Yahusha will finalize the vote.

    Who says the New Moon is dark or the New Moon is full? New darkness or new light?

    We have to ask Yahuah make strait the crooked paths.

    [Man that gave me a scripture tingles]

    (Isaiah 45:2)

    You have to read the chapter for your Ruach to speak through the prophet who is the Ruach Hachodesh. The Word Living and Alive beyond the paper.

    Being free of Egypt is the easiest prayer you can ask. All it takes is 144k in unity, in love, in Oneness. Ask your heavenly Father to free you from Egypt.

    You have not because you ask not.

    And He will hear the cries of His people, and come to their rescue as a hen gathers her chicks.

    You must seek the Ruach daily to start the process of separating from Egypt. The world system has quite a pull on My people. Do not look at the darkness but focus on the Light of the Torah. The one true Light.

    {Let the Illuminate have this system, the will get their fill.}

    You will know you are ready when you see the power of the Ruach Hachodesh move through you like Yahusha;

    Like the Disciples;

    Are you My disciples?

    Do you keep My commandments?

    Are you loving one another?

    Are you even loving your enemies?

    These people are the embodiment of MY Ruach Hachodesh.

    The living vessels,

    The people of Yahuah.


    One tribe, One faith, One God;

    All that is in ME returns to ME.

    All that isn't just isn't a part.of.ME.

    [I will be going to a dumb phone post Passover]

    (Proverbs 3)

    6) In all your ways acknowledge Him,

    And He will make your paths straight.

    (Luke 3:4)

    Of Isaiah the prophet: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, and make straight paths for Him.

    A grand Shabbat with the Lord Yashua,

    And His Bride.

    [Wait till we witness what Yahusha presents to the FATHER]

    You do not have to find out "will you make it through the storm?” ;

    If you Trust in Yashua.

    If you focus on Me you will walk on water.

    Through the storm. I will even be there if you lose focus to grab you.

    [Wow pre smartphone days. That seems so long ago. 2008 ; 13 years ago and see how much has changed. It is time to unplug for me. We lived fine without it. It can stay in Egypt.]

    [Refinement is you growing to hate what you can now see is darkness.

    The Darkness that consumes as a fire.

    We must remain in His cleansing fires of Light and Love.]

    (1 Corinthians 14:26)

    [Why even meet if not to hear through prophesy the Heart of Yahuah expressed through His gifts through the Body? I want to hear a prophetic musician, a prophetic teacher, a prophetic prophesier. Meetings for the mature who brought their disciples. Not to be unequal to each other, but also to respect the elders who have been there done that and bought the t shirt.

    Believe me you don't want those garments]

    Those old wine skins.

    Do all for the building up and edifying of the Body.

    (Deuteronomy 17)

    This is part 2

    [I will share soon]

    [Do we the Body value the Heart behind this commandment to leadership? There is honor in eldership.

    As a Malchizedekian priest under Yahusha.]

  2. Yahshua came as the lowest of servants ,,,,,
    The Ox is the king of servant beasts ,,, the Lamb the lowest .
    Four faces of the CHERIBIM over Time ,,,,
    Eagle / Spirit ;
    In the beginning the Spirit
    hoovers on the WATER .
    Ox / Lamb ;
    Lamb of Yahweh , Suffering
    Servant , The SEED , Son of
    man .
    Lion / Lamb ;
    The Remnant , full ear of corn ,
    Son of man
    Man ;
    Perfect Man Yahshua , puts feet on Olivette , Son of Yahweh ,
    King of Kings .

  3. Remember every thing in our spirritual lives are not seen for any else than they other who lives in spirrit its the truth in all live since it is not passive to pleace him in flesh since he lives in the spirrit, and now we know many have surrendered and turn away from the world, they have forgiven all unrightsosness in they life in flesh and also they have repent for all and repent for all they are doing against his comandments and what they know dont pleace him in theyr act and by their thung. You know our all flater forgive 70×70 times so its only a religios soul who are pointing theyr not holy finger by juging others, so let all find they way I am only making his roaud known for my nowleges are truth. So when you love your creator more than anything else at this erth then he does a spirritual mirricuals in your life, and this seeds he put into our hearts then are pure love and full of forgivness and a cry for all who still live in flesh since we know they garment are full of hole and dirt. I saw my own old garment and he sayd will you have it on again and I thaugt my old life in flesh was miserable by seeing it this is why I prayse him for all good he has done in my life what he has done for mee he can do for everyone who seak him and he do so when we learn by listen and cnowing he is never finish whit us we will learn for ever Amen

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