1. Shalom/Peace in our Lord and Master Yeshua Messiah.

    The SDA theology about the end of days, their 1844 prophecy, the sanctuary message and the investigative judgement and the millennial reign in heaven are all Falsehood replacement theology. And I would really be very careful about believing their Misleading doctrines and their Ellen G White false assumptions about their end of days prophecy. Please stick to the Bible truths and believe the prophet that we must Hear and Obey Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah and we must also diligently keep and do His Torah (Commandments, right rulings and ordinances/statutes of our Heavenly Father (Lev.18:4-5)until all is fulfilled Matthew 5:17-20. For if you believe all this nonsense about the 2300 days interpretations of the SDA church then you must literally reap out all the prophecies of Psaplm ch.2 and ch.47, Daniel 7:27, Deuteronomy 11:24, Isaiah 26:5, 66:23-24, chap. 11, Amos 9:11/Acts15:16, Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 43:2-7, 46:9-10, 11:17-20, Jeremiah 32:37-41, Revelation 2:25-27, 5:9-10, 11:15 and many more prophetic verses in the scriptures about the millennial kingdom here on Earth , where our Messiah and all his saints will reign until all has been put under his feet even death in the final Judgement of the dead and the new Heaven and Earth comes and then he will give the reign back to our Holy Heavenly Father when he will dwell with us in the new Jerusalem forever (1Cor. 15:24-28 and Revelation 21:1-8). Plus the Angel Gabriel also said to Daniel that the vision pertains the time of the End (Daniel 8:17-19) and Yeshua (Jesus) also confirmed this to his disciples in (Matthew 24) when they asked him when he would come back. Also the SDA church and most Christian church assume that Yeshua’s ministry was 3.5 years which is false. He only ministered when he came the first time for a year from 27CE to 28CE and he even confirmed it when he went in the synagogue in Luke 4:18-20 (Isaiah 61:1-3) noticed that Yeshua actually stopped in the middle of verse 2 and did not finish the whole sentence. Because he was proclaiming “The acceptable Year of Yehovah”, and the other half would be fulfilled at his second coming. The only part where they came up with this 3.5 years ministry period is (John 6:4) where Eusebius of Caesarea the father of Church history in the 4th century made it all up just to extend Yeshua’s (Jesus) ministry to 3.5 years so he could fulfill the 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel in chapter 9 and to assert Constantine as the Vicar of Christ. This verse says “The Passover was near a festival of the Jews” (side note- when you read this sentence. You will automatically notice that it’s a Gentile person who is inserting this passage in the original texts because you would not say a festival of the “Jews” according to Lev.23) while the previous chapter in verse one (John 5:1) states that there was a festival of the Jews. Which means that it was the appointed feast of Shavuot/Pentecost after the feast of Passover in chapter 2 and the next chapter soon says the Feast of Tabernacles was near! In chapter 7 of John. Does it make sense then that if the Passover was true in chapter 6, how is it that the Gospel author did not record anything before and after that phantom Passover and starts the next chapter of the feast of tabernacles? Really? What did Yesshua do for the 6 months leading up to the “Passover”in John 6:4 or for the other 6 months leading back to the feast of Tabernacles in John 7:1? Most historians, Scholars and the first church fathers from the first until the third century agree that Yeshua’s/Jesus ministry was about 1 year (27CE-28CE) and all the other gospel authors also recorded of 1 year ministry if you read their accounts and understanding the Feasts of our God properly all the way through their separate accounts. This verse in the bible (John 6:4) is an utter made up nonsense by Eusebius and added into the manuscripts at that time in the fourth century that completely destroyed the chronological account of the gospel and heavily vailed the Gospel of the Kingdom that Yeshua/Jesus taught. Further more their eschatological adherents continue to voice his unprovable invention with unwavering conviction. His assumptions destroyed any chance of understanding the prophecy of Daniel that he was purportedly solving and his followers have been left with unsolvable contradictions if his inventions are maintained. And that is why we really need to take heed and understand and keep/obey the Commandments and right rulings of our God seriously even keeping all His Holy Sabbaths/Feasts/Appointed days at their appointed times forever as we are commanded as to not be led astray by falsehood (Lev.18:5). Now the 2300 days that it mentioned in Daniel chapter 8:14, “does not say Days” in the original text but it says 2300 evenings and mornings literally. This talks about the daily continual sacrifice of one pure unblemished male lamb in the mornings and one pure unblemished male lamb in the evenings (Numbers 28:3-4 and Exo.29:37-42)of the tabernacle/temple liturgy. And how many days of mornings and evenings to complete this daily sacrifices/offerings? 2300/2=1150 days or 3.5 years and this particular event had its first fulfillment in the second temple period. (a “type” for its future fulfillment)
    The Maccabean War against the Greek King who invaded Israel and the Holy city around 170 BCE Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who desecrated the People and the Holy Temple and put an end to the daily sacrifices and offerings for the temple exactly 3 years and 6 months as it was recorded in the books of the Maccabees and the book “The Jewish War” by the jewish historian Flavius Josephus. The final fulfillment of this prophecy is appointed at the end of the age before our Messiah second coming as the Angel Gabriel has said and confirmed by our Messiah in Matthew 24:15-16, when the tabernacle of David and the ark of the covenant are to be revealed from the cave where the prophet Jeremiah hid them in mount Moriah (2 Maccabees 2:4-7 and will be desecrated as Yeshua/Jesus talks about it in Matthew 24 and John in 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation 13:5 by the Man of Sin. But it will be cleansed and be re-erected again as it says in Daniel 9:24, Amos 9:11-12/Acts 15:16-18 and Isaiah 16:5 to usher in the Millennial kingdom of our God here on Earth along with all his Saints. And So please be careful brothers and sisters about the SDA’s false teachings and erroneous end of days assumptions. 2 Thessalonians 2 please read it very carefully and take it to heart and don’t forget about the warnings that our God specifically told us about taking away and adding to his Holy Words.
    (Deu 4:1   “And now, O Yisra’ěl, listen to the laws and the right-rulings which I am teaching you to do, so that you live, and shall go in and possess the land which יהוה/Yehovah Elohim of your fathers is giving you.
    Deu 4:2  “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it, so as to guard the commands of יהוה/Yehovah your Elohim which I am commanding you.
    Footnote: See also Lev.18:5, Deu 12:32, Pro 30:6, Rev 22:18-19.) Amen.
    Mat 24:11  “And many false prophets shall rise up and lead many astray.
    Mat 24:12  “And because of the increase in lawlessness, the love of many shall become cold.
    Mat 24:13  “But he who shall have endured to the end shall be saved. Amen.

    1Co 15:58  Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Master, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Master.

    Amen HalleluYah

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