Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air!

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  1. I'm a bricklayer and we were asked to work on the coming Saturday. Every one said okay but one man. I was new at the company, so they informed me that he is 7th day Adventist, and they don't work on the Sabbath. I had never considered the subject and was deeply troubled by the possible implications.

    So that evening I prayed and asked for help with this issue. That prayer was answered with a series of dreams in which I was shown much more than I thought I had asked about.

    I was shown Adventism represented as a house that the builders stopped working on before the house was fully completed. The doors and windows and such were never installed. It was made implicitly clear to me that the house afforded no protection, specifically because of that fact!

    Beloved, I was shown the Adventists did not follow "further light" as our dear Sister White, warned that we MUST do! Therefore, the call to "Come out of Babylon", now ironically applies to Adventists as well! "Those who have already received Great Light, are the most reticent to receive Further Light."

    Steeples, rejection of the Feast Days, Pagan Holy Days, no Baptism in the Holy Spirit, no Restoration of the Names and more are issues that only a very few Adventists are tackling. The "Seven Thunders" are sounding, but only INDIVIDUALS can hear.

    Don't forget, Yahuah Alohim is an egalitarian. He planed it this way. You WERE warned to "let no man take your crown". (Revelation 3:11)

    When does He ever warn about something that is NOT going to happen? (other than Nineveh)

    The Ninevites are the "judges" to all who fail to head a clear warning from Heaven.

    Be very careful how you respond, to THIS warning. If what I say is not True my name is stricken from the Book of Life. If you ignore this, YOURS may be.

    Please be a Berean, crack a Received Text Bible, get on your knees…ALONE…and find out if this is Truth or not. Yahusha the Messiah will see, and honor your efforts.

    Truth is for SEEKING, not assuming.

    Shalom Beloved!

  2. To Kathy: I lost my mummy to cancer. She struggled and suffered for 5 years, my dad is a pastor and lots of people prayed for healing. What kept my eyes forward was Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." NIV. Your mom is secured in Jesus. And He promises in chapter 12 & 13 that He is here for you, in times when His plans are difficult to understand.

  3. I loooove the program and sermons from Amazing Facts ….but I really don't like to see that statute even though I know what it is, I feel like it shouldn't always be infront of us for any reason…

  4. Near death experiences…..when you experience a near death or brought back from death…you are not actually dead, you are clinically dead….there is the difference.
    Take Lazerus….in the Bible he was dead 4 days….resurrected by Christ…..there was no tale of seeing a tunnel with a bright Lite
    And being in Heaven, YES I believe they have witnessed a bright Lite…but just
    Remember SATAN is called an Angel of lite….in the Bible , also we are told .
    That when we die we SLEEP in the grave
    Awaiting the return of Christ….T HEN AND
    Only then are we resurrected, some to
    Immortality, (those who followed Christ)
    And the rest resurrected after the
    Millennium (1,000) yrs. To die the last and final death.

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