Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

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  1. Cats really do need a good preaching to! Of course we can and should talk to animals! And yes, such a nice stage – very nice – looks just like the settings Jesus spoke on! Can do a show like this outside under a palm tree with a smartphone.

  2. Regarding pets at worship. Our family all play musical instruments at worship time. Our labrador dog sings and pitches the high notes and has her favourite hymns each time we play her favourites he never fails to join in.

  3. Its my understanding that the 1st seal of revelation 6 was opened on 3/11/20. Never in history has a crown / corona conquered the entire world until now. This name for this " virus " is NO coincidence.

    Revelation 6:2
    “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.”

    First the economy is killed by seal 1 then seal 2 ppl. In between each seals is a pause to give time for ppl to repent. Same as between the bowls & trumpets as God is merciful & long suffering.
    The word says once seal 1 is opened , all there after is to be fulfilled in that same generation. A biblical generation is 40 yrs & 40 is a very significant number throughout the bible. Many more things must come to pass before the return of our LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST to fulfill prophecy. Right now is the beginning of his anger , then comes his fury then his great wrath pouring the bowls & sounding the trumpets. Revelation is to be taken in chronological order is my understanding. The next seal to open peace is taken from the earth and mankind shall rise up and kill one another. I know I can feel this coming in my soul & spirit. What I see going on around me in the world right now is a new order and God's judgement. An angel on a white horse conquering with a corona / crown. Its my understanding that things will progress much worst in tribulations for the next 40 yrs approximately so , prepare spiritually for testing of faith & great tribulation & suffering. Horrible things we will witness in the near future. Never will things go back to it was in 2019 and before. I also believe those turning to man and government solutions to this virus scare is a test of faith & I'm seeing many are failing that test & openly showing CHRIST , the great healer & high priest , their faith in him is nil & void as they run to mans solutions rolling up their sleeves in fear of death they recieve the Ai biotechnology into their blood & participate in an experimental jab. As Christians we should NOT fear death nor fight against God's will when we're to go home & leave this earth. The wheat is being separated from the chaff.
    God bless 🙏👑

  4. hey please tell me that the last trumpet in book of Corinth Thessalonians is the seventh trumpet in book of revelation? i noticed that micheal angel is the greatest prince as jesus christ but wonder the trumpet is the same identity to each bible verses?

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