Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

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  1. This message is for Rob from the UK who called late from his country and was inquiring about divorce and re-marriage. Rob – you mentioned that you were in a relationship for 3 1/2 years with a woman that has been divorced. You also mentioned that you were in the faith for 18 months. You also mentioned that 11 months ago you discovered something about divorce in the bible and was wondering what to do. First of all the bible is very clear that you can only marry someone that was divorced for the right reasons, but one thing that has to be made clear also is who in that relationship asked for the divorce, if she asked for divorce for reasons outside of adultery, than that is not a good thing in the eyes of God. Second thing is do you have children with her who was divorced, if not, that is a good thing under the circumstances. Third – are you baptized in the faith, if yes, is she, if she is not, I would counsel you to hold on to that relationship. You certainly don't want to marry someone that is not of the same faith and you don't want her to join the faith just so she can marry you, that is not a good thing also. To make very clear, if you are in the faith, baptized member of the seventh day Adventist Church, part of the body of Christ and your girl friend is not and you don't have children together, you should stop having a relationship with this woman, especially sexually. Wait and see, God will reveal if you should continue with this woman and if she is the one that you should marry in the future, but don't marry her now, until you have clear confirmation from God. Don't get caught marrying her just because she now joins the faith just to get married, don't do that. Wait and see how she responds to the truth, not just the truth about marriage, not just the truth about the Sabbath, but about other present bible truth and are very important in these end times. She is not the end of the world. You don't want to get in deeper and suffer for nothing later. Doug gave some poor bible references when trying to give the example of the Samaritan woman. The Samaritan woman was not in ignorance to the fact that she was not in a good condition, but regardless, the fact that Jesus revealed Himself to her doesn't mean that Jesus winked at her suppose ignorance. Jesus may have read her heart and felt compassion on her because she might have been truly seeking freedom from her sins and her desire to know more about the messiah to come that was to deliver the people from the bondage of the condemnation of sin. So Rob, move forward in faith, but don't marry her out of sympathy, don't let your feelings get in the way.

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