What You’re Not Being Told: Israel, Palestine and Prophecy FYTube

The current escalation surrounding the Political State of #Israel has been on the radar for many interested in end-times prophecy.  Interestingly enough, what most of us have been taught for years regarding Israel and the last days is flipped upside down, much like the rest of what the world teaches. Today, it’s time to discuss the truth regarding this land and the coming #war.


The Article I cover here: https://parableofthevineyard.com/war-and-israel/

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  1. Thank you brother Adam.
    Indeed we live in a world of lies.
    Unless we seek and search the Truth from YHWH WORD, we will be blinded by the lies from the church and the world.
    Your sharing co firmed my conviction taught by the Ruach Hakodesh from the Scriptures which you quoted.
    Trust and Obey YHWH is the key to His blessings.

  2. The problem with this mindset is it limits prophecy to being fulfilled all at once. It is the same mistake that caused (and still causes) many Jewish Sages to miss Yeshua as a fullfullment of prophecy. Ironically some of the VERY SAME POINTS he makes to say the modern state if Israel cannot be a fullfillment of these prophecies are the same point made by Orthodox Jews who reject Yeshua as a fullfillment of messianic prophecies:

    For example- he reads Jeremiah 32:37 at timestamp 13:06 and says: Lets be honest with eachother- the modern state of israel has not been dwelling in safety

    Okay- fair point…. The again safety is relative- prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel the Jewish people suffered terrible waves of persecution:

    Of course we all know about the oppression they sufferred as slaves in Egypt and the waves of bondage and slavery they endured in the time of the Judges- then of course there was the Babylonian captivity and the Selucid empire when Jewish people were burned alive in torah scrolls and sabbath was forbidden and jewish children were cooked alive in front of their mothers to corrce them to eat pork sacrificed to Zeus…..

    During the reign of the Roman Empire and especially Emperor Hadrian in 140 AD they were brutally persecuted by once again.

    In medeival Europe there were the blood libels (google search THAT!!!) massacres – forced conversions to catholocism and expulsions- and of course massacres when tehy wouldn’t leave. And the Crusades were no cupmif tea for Jewish people they were britally murdered massacred expelled buried and burned Alive etc

    In the 1300’s were the Black Death Persecutions which claimed thousands of Jewish lives and annihilated whole vullages and Jewish Ghettos because peope sprwad the loe taht the jews were the cause of it!!!!

    During the Ottoman Empire there were still more massacres, kidnapping and torturing children, forcing themmto be sex slaves and eunuchs etc

    Then there was the Russian Pograms and of COURSE- the Halocaust the worst of all…

    Most of this is not taught to us in American Schools…

    Compared to this the modern State of Israel is the first time in more than 2000 years that Jewish people have had a sovereign homeland and relative security. Yes there are terrorist attacks from time to time but it may surprise u to know since 1948 (NOT INCLUDING THE HUNDREDS OF DEATHS THAT HAPPENED TODAY AND ARE STILL HAPPENING) there have been just over 3000 deaths from Terrorism in Israel. This means More israelis have died of heart attacks cancer even Covid than terrorism…. In fact taking 9/11 into account Israel is safer in terms of terrorism than the USA!!! Crazy thought huh?

    So yes it is the safest the Jewish people have ever been since probably the days of King Solomon (whose name means peace)

    Now in terms of fullfillment Jews will reject Yeshua as messiah FOR THE SAME REASON!!!!!

    They say (and rightly so) that to coming of the Messiah would hersls a messianic age of universal peace an end to ear and poverty and hunger and an ingathering of the Jewish people! Take for example Isaiah 11
    They will say:
    Well Jesus cant be the Messiwh because it says,

    “He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth
    and slay the wicked with the breath of His lips.
    5Righteousness will be the belt around His hips,
    and faithfulness the sash around His waist.
    6The wolf will live with the lamb,
    and the leopard will lie down with the goat;
    the calf and young lion and fatling will be together,a
    and a little child will lead them.
    7The cow will graze with the bear,
    their young will lie down together,
    and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
    8The infant will play by the cobra’s den,
    and the toddler will reach into the viper’s nest.
    9They will neither harm nor destroy
    on all My holy mountain,
    for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD
    as the sea is full of water.”

    Jesus did NONE OF THIS…

    Christians will say there was a spiritual fulfillment of these things in his first coming and will be a physical fullfillment of this in his second coming…

  3. Heavenly Father, we lift up the innocent people caught between Khazarian leadership(not 12 tribe descendents) and Hamas. Father, may they accept Yeshuas salvation today! Send dreams and Angels to bring to salvation. Help them to saved from the devils lies. In Yeshua the Messiahs Holy Name, Sinless Blood and King Power. AMEN.

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