Torah Portions – Week 33 – Bechukotai – Leviticus 26:3 – 27:34 (2020-2021) FYTube

Torah Portion Week 33 – Bechukotai – Leviticus 26:3 – 27:34
#Bechukotai #Week33

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  1. So a lady friend is a week ahead in the Torah portion, so I am reviewing this year (2020-2021) portion and week 32 in (2021-2022..) (Hope that made since) Is there a study notes for this so I can share them with her when I see her?

  2. 1 Timothy 3:16
    King James Version
    16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

  3. {[ these brackets are my thoughts as I wrote with the Ruach Hachodesh.]}

    Gather Together


    When Yahuah gives you an idea of a change up while walking on The Path, or a new task while following The Way.

    Be Authentic,

    Do not start trying to manifest this path or put your grubby hands into it unless I say so.

    I am teaching you how to paint.

    You have to listen to the Master.

    The lives we paint without Him always end in pain and suffering, or depression and shame.

    Does mankind even in all wickedness have the ability to do good?

    Yes mankind is made in the image of Elohim.

    But many reject the ways of Yahuah.

    The want their own image. The image of the beast.

    That image wants to lure all into its darkness, its life sapping death.

    Death will be conquered in the end.

    Be alert to scoffers.

    (A person who mocks or makes fun of someone)

    These are who will cause divisions.

    They are worldly and should be kept out of conversations.

    Must not be amongst you.

    Be keen with the Ruach Hachodesh;

    To discern a scoffer, to bring to remembrance the lack of love in acting in such a manor.

    [I had to learn this, and still need to be held accountable. The tongue and past ways can creep in. I shall be quick to repent publicly with that group. I remember my horrible High School days. Messed up people mess up others.]

    This world is a big mess.

    Divisions is not Oneness.

    When we (Gather Together) in one accord, things will come up in question.

    But are these things of and about God starting to become more about your own flesh?

    A feeling of more importance for us to speak about or read about.

    {To get our point across.}

    Let these things not come above teaching, sharing, nourishing the Children of the Most High.

    Teach them the Word and His gospel. (News of Yahweh)

    It has already been established in the last days my Sons and Daughters shall prophesy.

    Do you not think Yashua is training them up as we speak?

    Not training them to become the gift, but to become a Son and Daughter of the FATHER.

    It is going to take deep focus on the Ruach Hachodesh within you to have the helper, a helpmeet, if you listen and stay in close fellowship,

    The ability to master sin. Something Cain the seed of the serpent did not do. He tried to master it without Me. Without Me you can do nothing of your own.

    (John 15:1-8)

    Jesus the True Vine

    (Isaiah 27:1–13)

    “I am the true vine,

    and My Father is the keeper of the vineyard.

    He cuts off every branch in Me [and me as well] that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear fruit,

    He prunes to make it even more fruitful.

    [For every fruit is a part of the Tree of Life. The tree of the Living Elohim.]

    You are already clean [made pure, spotless].

    Because of the Word I have spoken to you. [Past, Present, and Future.]

    “He says, Do not worry about tomorrow. Sink that into your head.”

    Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.

    I Am the vine and you are the branches.

    The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit.

    For apart from Me you can do nothing.

    If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers.

    Such branches are gathered up, thrown into the fire, and burned.

    [Refined, baptized in Fire]

    If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. [The branches that are nurtured through the root of the FATHER just ask and be patient.]

    This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, proving yourselves to be My disciples.

    [The Vine loves to produce good fruit to offer FATHER]

    [His First Fruits Soldiers]

    (It is ok to learn from others, this is how you get the lost communicating. Realize the lack of love they will be able to offer.

    They are in a dark place. Do not add more darkness to their life, but be salt and Light.)

    (You may not know how to walk in the Light fully yet, but you do know how to remain a clean vessel.

    [Did you know Dead Sea salt was used in soil?]

    Teach them the Word and the right amount of salt.

    Show them the Word.

    The Salt co-labors with the LIGHT.

    Your character, personalities, qwerks. This is the Salt.

    Dosage of Salt is very important.

    Just ask the Bread.

    Teaching them how God works in our lives.

    Teaching them the simplicity of the Word.

    The fullness of Yashua His Son.

    Letting them experience the Word in their lives.

    Let them experience the Word in their lives.

    Let them experience God through your life.

    How we as parents associate God in our lives will reflect in theirs.

    If the Love of Yashua is flowing through you then it will flow to others.

    Reflect on your day as you lay down.

    Share that with your children.

    Share what God is doing in your lives.

    Pray with your, children in the situations (barriers) in their lives.

    [I just want ya’ll to know I am humbly honored to write like this to the body. Thank-you for allowing me to grow into this gift. I never choose this, or asked. I could not bury it. I tried. Many times. I finally had to step into faith of what God was transforming what was already inside of me. I desire to assist in awaken the gifts inside you. Iron sharpening Iron. Your gifts sharpen me. I would not be here without the teachers, the psalmist. Oh I love to hear the Ruach Hachodesh Sing the tune, frequency of Elohim.]

    [May next Shavuot be the outpouring of the latter rain?

    Baptize me in your Fire Yashua.

    Never let the Ruach Hachodesh depart from me.]

    Parents when your devices are only used as tools than your children will learn how to use the tools properly.

    A phone can be worse than a full throttled chainsaw.

    Focus on being a living example of the Light that is within you.

    We don’t have to worry as parents “Are our children walking in darkness when we have taught them to walk in the Light.

    If all a child learns is just don’t go there, or do that, or this.

    Just don’t do it.

    Just don’t touch that sin.

    [Show me Holy Spirit, see as a Father if I fall for the poison of the succubus spirit, I show my son this is desirable for a man of Yahuah.

    But a man of Yahuah vomits at the site of this spirit. You are not seeing the heart of that woman that is consumed in darkness.

    Do not show your children that you are a man without self-control.

    If you do not have this you are not producing good fruit.

    My walk has had a lot of pruning.

    Thank God for that, but it still is a pruning.

    Stuff has to go to have a deeper fellowship, hear Him more clearly, become a more usable vessel.]

    But the parents that don’t teach, and show the Way we are supposed to go;

    And walk in that.

    To be a witness, a disciple, a Yashua in someone’s life.

    If they know not of the True Light, then they will follow false lights.

    Lights of the matrix world system.

    Children will look, we all look for ways to fill the void when are not living in the Light.

    Then we wonder where that wolf came from, how did it get in our home?

    What happened to my child?

    Teach a child the ways of the Lord Yashua, and they will never depart.

    (Proverbs 22:6)

    Speak about Yashua, and the things of Yashua in your daily walk.

    Look for the opportunities to be salt.

    If this isn’t our goal daily than we are distracted.

    We are distracted.

    Then we will distract our kids, and they will learn to live distracted lives.

    Then wonder why your kids are walking away from God.

    Once the parents are focused on Yahuah and His ways then we will see a Joshua Generation of kids.

    A generation where Torah is written on their hearts.

    Show your children how, and what true repentance is.


    It is all about Yashua

    [Thank you Father for bringing this message to your Body. Thank you for brother Petee, and for making him a usable vessel who is, and walks a humble life.]

    [Check all things, I am but a student,

    May His Peace fill you.]

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