Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air!

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  1. 34:55 Pastor Batchelor says the laws having to do with keeping the annual Feast days have been done away with, but he doesn't have any biblical proof. Jesus kept the annual Feast days. Either He is our perfect example, or He isn't. Which will it be for you?

  2. 26:09 I didn't really appreciate how she treated Doug, very snooty of her. The moment she realized he didn't know what scripture she was referring to, she should've mentioned it – as she was asked twice to do so. She was wrong to assume all pastors will know what she deems as "well-known". I looked it up and I wonder if she was referring to Psalm 115:16 which says

    "The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men."

    Honestly, I have no recollection of this scripture being well-known, but regardless, she really should've treated Doug better. He's not all-knowing like God simply because he's a pastor; there are gonna be scriptures he's not gonna know immediately. In the KJV, there are 783,137 words and even if Doug has read each one a million times, our brains can only remember so much at one time and she should've given him a break.

    I hate to sound judgmental but I personally believe that was very un-Chrstian-like behavior and quite unnecessary. She was calling in to have a question answered, Doug does not owe that woman a thing; just because she knows something he doesn't, does not mean she's scripturely superior. She should've either said "Okay, thank you for your time" or given him the scripture like she was asked and waited to see if he could answer it. A Q&A is a simple process and her pride botched any chances of her learning something.

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