Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air!

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  1. I think that lady was thinking of Psalm 115:16. The NIV version is a little confusing but the NKJ reads "The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's : but the earth hath he given to the children of men."
    But is not like we can get to where God is on a man made space ship 😄
    God bless

  2. Thank you Pastors Doug and Ross, I use this program to spread light to others as the questions come in a wide range. Stay blessed. I looked up the verse psalms 115 vs 16 ….. heaven belongs to God and He gave earth to man…

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