Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air!

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  1. Pastor Doug, my question is:. I believe that to view God would burn us up with the intensity of His righteousness, as He told us already. I also believe that when we die, we go to the Palm of God's Hand and rest there peacefully, waiting for the return of Christ to Earth. How can we lay in God's palm if it would burn us up just to be anywhere near or see Him? I'm trying to put those two together.

  2. Haven't gone to church ever since I used to go to one in aitkin Minnesota. Nice people there. But I ran into some property issues and my aunt forced a sell on me. I didn't have the funds to buy her out. I couldn't find a place to stay out there so ended up going into a shelter that costed me most my Backpay before I even received the money. Stayed there for a little. Then went lived on the streets until I got on disability. But I just needed to get to a better spot so I could survive better. Being homeless in Minnesota sucks. Especially during the winter months. I understand why I didn't get much help from anyone. I had only been going to the church for a little over a year. Not like everyone else that grew up with everyone. One thing I think the church should work on is opening their eyes. Sometimes people around them needs help. I had money to help who ever said they could take me in. I could have not only paid for rent but done chores as well I would not have costed anyone a dime. I was still learning the Bible. But when it came down to it I learned the hard way no one lives by what the Bible teaches us to do. We all pretend we do. Even go to church. But when tested I bet we all fail. Myself included. I do miss going to the church. Now a days I just pray and every so often watch one of your video. Can I ask you something? I know you used to be homeless. When was the last time you yourself went and talked to some homeless on the streets and tried to help. Actually go to where the people are most in need? Not saying you need to but sometimes we get so wrapped up in either learning the Bible or preaching it. Sometimes we forget to live by the Bible. To love everyone and to help the ones that truly need help.

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