Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air!

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  1. Everyone who called in and who are watching/listening, please follow Doug Batchelor, Granite Bay Hilltop SDA Church and Amazing Facts on Facebook and YouTube. God bless my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  2. I quit making jewelry and selling it because I was convinced that I shouldn't contribute to something I know isn't something I would do, but I changed from making jewelry to making keychains. I still make beaded items, just not something that is made to weat.

  3. I was raised seventh day Adventist. I tried to lose my religion or faith when I was a foolish teenager. I am still a fool in that I am still not fully convinced that i can receive the gift to be saved by the lamb of God who lived more holy and died more sacraligously than i.
    I believe that the United states is God's last worldly defense from the evil powers that are in control of satan. We all know how well man's work to fight evil does not last long without God's help. We as a nation in the passed asked God's help and trusted in him to do so in his will. In this present time we do not ask God's help nor do we trust in his judgment. The bible says (to get to the point) let not your heart be troubled… and let not yourselves gather together in worship. Why then are we as SDA afraid to come to church or afraid to call to altar in repentance and prayer? I see the Adventist I grew up watching and listening, to fear the storms the world and devil had sent. Covid 19 is the devil's plague to get all us all who believe in our GOD given right to assemble and worship, to exchange it for masks and social distancing bc we are afraid. Exactly when do we trust God to keep us safe as a church so that God gets the credit. And if we die, I die, we must have no treasures stored on this earth that decays. So where are we as a church who claims to be a biblical one, and yet refuse to trust in God and worship Him who died long ago to save our life that truly matters and that's the eternal life with God. I want to say fear not and stand against the devil who is completely destroying our country with his plan for our destruction. I'm 33 years old with 4 young boys who have to live the rest of there lives in this mess if the Lord doesn't come again soon I pray we as a church stand up or He comes sooner than later. Thankyou pastor batchelor your words and sermons have kept my faith burning but I watch your church service and I see a lot of fear that God wont protect us in worship of Him and of course I see it in my church as well and my heart and faith is saddened to see it. Thank you for your reply…

  4. To the caller who sells jewelry _ if your profession is "not out of faith" and is condemned as sin, how would the condemning pastors respond to Rahab's profession? Let it be known that James 2:25 compares Rahab's faith as similar to Abraham's faith. If you are condemned as a result of your profession then Rahab and Abraham are also condemned. The pastors ought to have known better. They need to always be blessing and not condemning.

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