1. Wow! How sad to hear that science leads some to “Faith”…

    Q: what to do w/The “burning bush???”
    A: piss on it & put out the fire!

    The Bible is a crock of S***!

    The Bible has ZERO integrity. Therefore, arguing & debating biblical doctrines are a complete waste of time.

    Integrity =Truthfulness & trustworthiness.
    NO integrity = dishonesty, lies, deception & falsehood.

    Documents, or messages that lack integrity are NOT to be trusted, whether religious, or secular.

    Here are just a Few Examples of biblical contradictions that prove the Bible is in fact erroneous & fallible, and therefore, NOT the word of an ALL knowing God. The Bible is a book of LIES & written by ancient Chaldeans for the purpose of deceiving the lesser intelligent masses. I’m sorry if you are offended, but honesty usually is offensive.

    1st example of biblical contradictions:

    Resurrection to life???
    “People DIE, NEVER to RISE. They will NEVER WAKE UP while the sky endures; they will NEVER stir from their sleep.”
    ‭‭Job‬ ‭14‬:‭12‬ & Psalms 6:5


    “Your DEAD SHALL LIVE;Together with my deceased body THEY SHALL ARISE. AWAKE and sing, you who dwell in dust;*
    Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭19‬

    2nd example of biblical contradictions:

    Will God forsake us???
    “The Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will NOT leave you NOR FORSAKE you.””
    ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31‬:‭6‬


    “I, will utterly FORGET YOU and FORSAKE YOU, and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and will cast you out of My presence.”
    ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭23‬:‭39‬

    Even Jesus, “Gods only begotten son” was forsaken by “God”.

    “And Jesus cried out saying “My God, My God, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?”” Matthew‬ ‭27‬:‭46‬

    These examples also tell us that “God” DOES change His mind, which means that the following verse in the book of Malachi is also NOT true.

    ““For I am the Lord, I do NOT CHANGE.”
    ‭‭Malachi‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬

    So then why do religious leaders insist that the Bible is the infallible & inerrant word of God??? AND WHY do you devout servants faithfully persist in trusting the words of a false bible??

    IF anyone should question, or exposes the Bible’s fraudulent messages, These Chaldean authors wrote additional mitigating lies to discredit, shame & demonize those who expose their lies with damage control verses like these:

    Biblical damage control:
    2 Timothy 3:16 “ALL scripture is Gods word”.
    “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times SOME WILL DEPART from the FAITH [yup, that’s me] giving heed to ‘deceiving spirits’ and doctrines of ‘demons,’ “ ‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬
    2 Peter 3:4-4
    “knowing this first: that SCOFFERS WILL COME in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “WHERE is the PROMISE of His coming? [well, where is He?] For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” II Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬-‭4‬
    “WHOEVER teaches a DIFFERENT doctrine and does NOT AGREE
    with the true words of OUR Lord “Jesus Christ” and with the TEACHING of OUR RELIGION is swollen with pride and KNOWS NOTHING. He has an unhealthy desire to argue and quarrel about words[really???], and this brings on jealousy, disputes, insults, evil SUSPICIONS [I sure hope so], and constant arguments from people whose minds do not function and who no longer have the truth. They think that religion is a way to become rich.”(I’m not even monetized)
    ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭3‬-‭5‬

    You see, These Chaldean authors of the Bible have been deceiving the masses way before Genesis, Moses & Jesus. They are also very cunning & crafty at playing the blame game & discrediting their accusers for pointing out their lies.

    Goggle Mesopotamia & Chaldeans, and familiarize yourselves with the Chaldean founders & writers of the Bible; Father “Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.”

    The Bible is full of contradictions & LIES. I only provided a few examples here, but I’ve torn this book a new one, inside & out.

    Fortunately for the world, the Bible is NOT the real deal, and neither are its doctrines & delusional “prophecies” of heaven & “hell”, nor of “Satan” & his “demons”.

    A Fallible bible, makes fake promises that give people false hopes, and this will eventually transform any healthy mind into a delusional mind & willing to believe any BULL whatsoever! This is why nobody should place their trust in this black book of lies.

    The only true doctrine & “prophecy” that can save us, is to LOVE & respect self, and all people!

    LOVE, is the TRUTH that leads to LIFE!

  2. Science is proof that god exists. If someone just believes chance and science out of nowhere then realistically they have the most faith. They believe something is just there that requires more faith

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