Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross #18 FYTube

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Questions answered in this Bible Answers Live

00:00 – Intro
05:13 – Regarding Acts 20 verse 7, does this verse emphasize that we should gather on the first day of the week which is Sunday? If not, are there any places in the Bible that encourage us to gather on the first day of the week?
09:45 – In Relation to the Old Testament, If God was in direct contact with His people, why did He not directly tell them they should not have multiple wives or concubines?
13:05 – In regards to the throne of Israel being in Egypt for 400 years, does the fact that the days they were there add up to 144,000 hold any significance?
15:51 – Does God speak to Prophets literally face to face?
18:20 – If Angels and Demons are always around us, do they have conflict with one another?
21:16 – Why did Jesus tell Mary that she could not touch Him as He had not yet ascended?
23:20 – Regarding 1 Kings 19 verse 11 through 13, if the Lord was not in the fire, wind, or earthquake, why did they appear/occur?
30:47 – Does God still conduct miracles on earth that are similar to what it states in the Old Testament?
34:19 – Concerning Genesis when God warned Adam about the Tree of Knowledge and how he would die, wasn’t God warning them that they would actually die within a thousand year since 1 day can be an equivalent to a thousand in the Bible?
39:23- Explanation of the Bride in Revelation and the Church.
42:09 – What does the Bible teach about women serving in the Ministry?
45:25 – If Lucifer was created perfect and there was no sin in Heaven, who influenced Him to do evil things?
47:49 – in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 29, can you clarify what the Bible is saying about Baptism for the dead?
50:55 – Why did the Star that led the wise men to baby Jesus, not lead them away from Harrod when they returned home?
53:43 – Regarding Revelation 14, is the smoke that God covered Himself in, the same as the smoke of their torment?

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  1. Tithe, from your increase no matter where it comes from. I believe we are supposed to tithe from our NET not GROSS. The gross is not MY increase the NET is. I just started to collect SS and I will be tithing with that increase. I do not believe the amount that you paid while working is equal to the amount that you collect. I am also still working. I must be doing something right because the more I tithe the more $$$ I seem to have! Give with a loving heart whatever you can. You cannot lie and hide or deceive JESUS in ANY way! Consider your tax refund. That was part of your GROSS and when you get your refund it could then be considered NET. It is an increase therefore tithing should be given. Remember that it is stated in the Bible that when you give you will be blessed so greatly that you will not be able to hold/contain those blessings that you will receive.

  2. I will never understand why god has everything the way it is. I prayed a lot, read majority of the Bible and spoke to countless pastors and the more I learn about the Bible and Jesus the more man made it sounds. Stories like god making a deal with the devil allowing him to kill job’s entire family just to prove a point, Noah’s ark, and even the story about Adam and Eve. It’s more than “it doesn’t make sense to me because I’m just human and can’t understand god” its just so unnecessary the way he established reality. Punish all of humanity even though he knew the devil would tempt eve into eating the apple?? God knows literally everything because he’s all knowing and all powerful, it’s so counterintuitive🤦🏽‍♂️ on top of that you can’t even question anything god says or does because apparently that’s a sin too. I want to believe in the Bible and have the comfort knowing theirs a for sure afterlife but I’ve prayed so many times and never got a “answer” from god. Most Christians I talk to assume I never read the Bible, didn’t believe god enough, or didn’t pray. It shouldn’t be so hard to communicate with god especially when he knows you need him in your life and desperately just want some conformation he exists other than a printed out book. I learned that most Christians also give up on people that ask a lot of dire questions that they simply cannot answer and get upset or think I’m gonna be dammed because I won’t blindly follow a religion that just doesn’t make sense to me. And it’s not even like I can’t just casually believe in other religions because if you don’t believe in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior then you’ll burn in hell which Is the definition of ruling thru fear. The Bible really gives off poor man’s religion vibes and even makes god seem like a petty tyrant. With just a thought he could stop all sin in the world and make everything all sunshine and rainbows but no he just had to flood the earth and now he’s gonna set the world on fire and then he’ll make humans live in eternal peace and happiness. All this pain and suffering for what? We seem more like helpless puppets than actual children to the lord. I desperately want god to be real but I don’t want to love him out of fear like most Christian’s, I want to love him off of not only knowing that he created me but also because he rewards good people and is a fair god. Hopefully someone reads this and give me a real answer or sum genuine non generic advice because alot of ppl feel the way I do not because we choose to not accept god into our lives but because we’ve been given no actual proof other than a book. (And yes if gods real then obviously it’s more than just a book but that’s just how people who haven’t had god communicate with them or who simply just don’t believe in god feel)

  3. Seven day Adventist and Sabbath keepers need to make up there mind whether they going to follow Moses and the old testament or Christ and the new testament. There is no writing that says we can obey Moses and the old testament and also Christ and the new testament there is no such gospel

    As Paul stated in gal.1:6,7

    I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that celled you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel

    7 WHICH IS NOT ANOTHER… for there is no such gospel as part Christ and Part Moses.

    If SDA believe in the new testament then they must go by what the new testament says about the old testament that it is done away with. But instead they embark on a whole series of what they think rather than what the scripture says.

    (1) They think because Jesus custom was to go in the synagogue on the Sabbath day, they think he was keeping the Sabbath but no scripture say he was keeping a Sabbath.

    (2) They think because Jesus disciple was meeting on the 7th day so they think that they were keeping the Sabbath no scripture say that they were keeping the Sabbath

    (3) They think because ten commandments was written with God hand and placed in the ark of covenant they think it is for all human and it is everlasting but there is no scripture that says so

    (4)They think it is the ceremonial law that is done away and nailed to the cross but there is no scripture that says that.

    (5)They think it is the Jew that turn the law into a yoke of bondage but there is no scripture that says the Jews so.

    (6) They think God made the 7th day for man to rest and spend time with him there is no scripture that says that

    (7) They think because God wrote the ten commandments in stone it shows it’s unchanging nature but there is no scripture that says so (but actually when one is mature they will know that laws written in stone is for little children and not for adult)

    This is what the new testament said about the old testament and not what anybody think.

    Luke 16:16 The law and prophet were until John; since that time the kingdom of God preached, and every man presseth into it.

    Rom.3:28 But now righteousness of God WITHOUT THE LAW is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets…

    Romans 7:6 But now we are delivered from the law that being dead wherein we were held that we should serve in newness of spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.

    Romans 7:4 wherefore my brethren ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ…

    Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

    Galatians 5:8 But if ye led of the spirit ye are not under the law.

    Hebrews 7:12 for the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

    Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the hand written of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross;

    All of these text states clearly that the law is done away with but SDA and Sabbath keepers reject them all and come up with some ridiculous explanations.

    There is two things that is given SDA and other Sabbath keepers a big problem and lead them to reject all the text that say the law is done away

    (1) they can’t understand how the ten commandments and the Sabbath could be referred to as a yoke of bondage and is against us and contrary to us

    (2) The ten commandments can’t be done away when we still require to keep 9 of the commandment. If we clear up this two misunderstanding that they are having then their argument for Sabbath keeping just fall apart.

    They need to understand that the law was given to those that do things that was contrary to the law and the law didn’t change them.

    If one is a thief the law would have stop them because fair of punishment by the law but don’t change them so in such case the law was against them and contrary to them and have them in bondage. That don’t make the law bad it show that the law was good but we now have something far way better which is Christ and his Spirit and we no longer need the law we are complete in him Colossians 2:10

    SDA and Sabbath keepers need to make a decision as to who they are obeying or serve who is there master Moses and the law are Christ and his spirit.

    It is not what you do are don’t do it is who you are obeying. We who accepted Christ, the things we do are don’t do it is base and the teaching of Christ and been lead by his spirit.

    If one don’t thief and it because they are keeping the ten commandments they need to know there are in bondage and if they accept Christ he can set them free.

    Christ said we must love our enemies but he didn’t just impose it on us he leads the way and demonstrates it to us and equip us by circumcised our heart and explain why we should love our enemies. The thing we do we do it freely not out of fair like those who are keeping the law.

    2Corinthians 3:6-13 make clear the difference Between the law and been lead by the spirit. The spirit is for way more superior and is place in our heart while the ten commandments written on stone.

    Sabbath keepers often tell us that it’s better to keep the Sabbath and safe rather than don’t and end up getting it wrong. But that is from the pit of hell for if you are keeping the Sabbath you are following the law and therefore you has to do as the law says and the law says you have to keep every commandment without breaking one something you won’t able to do.

    Furthermore SDA is not keeping the forth commandment Sabbath because they acquire services on the Sabbath that render people to work on the Sabbath such as: taxes, busses, electric, water, telephone…

    The fourth commandment Sabbath require a complete seize from all form of work. But again THEY THINK that when Jesus said it is good to do good on the Sabbath that what it means.

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