“If God created Satan perfect, where did Evil come from?” “Have you ever wondered how evil entered the world? In the next minute, you will uncover surprising secrets about the fall of Satan, the Angel who defied God. This being, once perfect and glorious, turned into the symbol of pride and rebellion. Discover how his quest for power sparked one of the greatest spiritual wars in history. Stay with us and unravel mysteries that will change your perspective on good and evil. Don’t miss it; the revealed truth begins now.
Where did Satan’s first malicious desire come from? Originally, God formed him as an Angel and created all angels through the ministry of His son, the Lord Jesus. No creature exists that He did not create, as John tells us in Chapter 1, verse 3: “All things were made and came into existence through him, and without him, not one thing that exists was made.” However, God, being holy, cannot be directly involved in the creation of evil. Therefore, both through reason and the Bible, it is clear that all angels were created in a state of holiness, and each angel is a direct creation of God.
When Satan rebelled against God, he not only drew divine wrath upon himself but also persuaded some angels to turn against God with him. It is estimated that a third of the angels followed Satan. At that moment, Satan and his angels became truly evil and hostile to God, His plans, and the humanity He created.
Chapters 28 of Ezekiel, verses 12 to 19, and 14 of Isaiah, verses 12 to 17, are important passages often associated with the original state and fall of Satan. In Isaiah, Chapter 14, verses 12 to 17, it reads: “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations. But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: ‘Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, the man who made the world a wilderness, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home before their time?'”


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  1. When you realize that the first demoncratic act was when a third of the angels elected to rebel against GOD and HIS KINGDOM and that the first democratic act of the New Covenant was when the "we the people" crowd of Jerusalem elected to murder the MESSIAH and to free barrabus after the evil one had used judas iscariot to betray the LORD then you can really start to see and understand how good GOD is at bringing good from evil. 2000 years ago CHRIST our LORD the only MESSIAH came into a Greco-Roman world system of the deceiver of the that had filled the vacuum of old testament Israel's failures to advance the Kingdom on earth. Remember CHRIST rejected the evil one & that world order after HE had fasted for 40 days. Be ye not deceived. Now here in America we live in a post Christendom secular humanist enlightenment democratic republic made in the image of ancient pagan pre-Christian Greco-Roman political religions now of unpayable national monetary and sin debts outside of the New Covenant that is a union of the collective democratic wills of the sinful natures of the people with the will of the deceiver of the nations. Be ye not deceived. Pray,"Thy Kingdom come to America. Thy will be done in America as it is in Heaven." Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!!! Love Jason the Baptist of the Bible Belt a New Covenant Kingdom friend of the GROOM CHRIST the Great KING of kings who looks forward to Baptizing lucifer and his followers into the Lake of Fire at the appointed time. Shalom.

  2. First, our Heavenly Father did not create everything through someone else .
    Our Heavenly Father is the only creator. Our Heavenly Father states He alone created all things. Our Heavenly Father states that He alone is our Creator . Our Heavenly Father states beside Him, there is no other god.
    Our Heavenly Father states that He shares His Glory with no one. Isaiah Chapters 42-48 Remember, when God stated let Us create man in our image.
    The US was our Heavenly Father and Wisdom.
    Wisdom was with God in the beginning.
    Book of Psalms.

  3. Not to put anyone on the spot; but, actually, Lucifer/Satan didn't become evil in the Bible only. He became evil in reality and for eternity. This fact of his eternal corruption was only announced in the Bible.

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