Virtual House Church 2022 – 2 Samuel 23-24 ForYouTube

Thank you for joining the VHC! We continue our study through 2 Samuel.

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  1. The calendar I believe has key aspects. The Spring Equinox is the last day of the year on the 31st of the true 12th month (Pisces). The 1st month begins on the New moon. The passover occurs on the 1st full moon after the Equinox. There is a 13th month added between the Equinox & the New moon. It is not a 30 day solar month. It is to account for the 365.25 Solar Year. Note that the sun, moon, h stars allign every 4th year. This year the Equinox was on Sunday 3/20. The passover occurred on the Sabbath (Saturday) 4/16 (a day off…Remember christ celebrated passover the night before is crucifixion while the Jews celebrated passover. Both were correct according to the 2 calendars they were following. The Enochian Solar, Lunar, & astral calendar & the Babylonian lunar calendar. The days of the week are fluid on an Enochian calendar. The 1st day of the 1st month in 2022 was on the true Saturday/Sabbath 1/1. By plotting the 30 day Solar month on a 6 column, for the 6 gates of the sun & moon, grid there will be 5 weeks in every month with the 1st always falling in box 1. The day shifts through the gates. A patter is repeated every 3 months. The 31st of the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th (1+2=3; a new year trigger) is outside the 30 day solar month. The moon has 4 phases that occur in 28 days. The phases of LIGHT happen on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd to 28th. The moon does not give light on the 29th & 30th (& I speculate on the 31st as well). Every 4 years the pattern repeats. Every row will add up to a reduced number of 3. Added up per season you get a reduced number 6. The seasonal marker is 4. Added to the 6 gives us the number 10 of completion. 😇 May God Bless you.

  2. A further revelation. It ties to the biblical viewpoint of the world as it truly was made. It can only be understood if you understand that viewpoint. When God created the Angels on the 4th day, Wed, before the end of the day they had sinned. With sin, being made from the substance of Heaven, the Heavens Fell. The sun & moon were created to provide light to them & Earth which was still part of the Heavens. A day was created which separates them from Gods timeless existence. They had lost their covering as we did. When man was created from Earth on the 6th day, before the end of the day mankind had sinned. With them fell the Earth creating the 1,000 years gap between Heaven & Earth. Between the 2 species is 3 days (the reason for the 3 days throughout the Bible); Wed, Thur, Fri. 1 Day in Heaven = 1,000 Years on Earth therefore for the angels that had sinned 3,000 years had passed. Enoch says they were to be chained in darlmess for 10,000 years. Mankind is said to have 7,000 years (Daniels 70 weeks). We are not the only ones who will be redeemed. The angels who trusted in the Lord & followed his way also will be redeemed. We will ne reunited with pur siblings & God on THAT DAY! Note that 10 days in Heaven, 10,000 on Earth = Tues. Adam died on that day in Heaven for he did not reach 1,000 years on Earth. 10 truly is the number of completion.

  3. Biblical cosmology: 4 corners are 4 pillars 1 within the other. 1. Firmament to Capricorn (tropic; gate 1). 2. Capricorn (gate 1) to the Equator (gates 2, 3, 4). 3. Equator (3 & 4) to Cancer (tropic; gate 6). 4. Cancer (gate 6) to Arctic circle (gate 7; throme room). Each pillar is patroled by an angel of the winds. Above the Equador is walking Right to Left/West to East/counter-clockwise. Below patrols cloclwise/Left to Right/East to West. The pillars make up the levels of Gods mountain. Jacobs ladder is the road that winds up & down the mountain like a spiral staircase. God "hides his face" from us by facing the back of the mountain. When Yeshua ascended to Heaven he took the right-hand path; counter-clockwise, arriving at Gods right side where he sits & where we will meet he & to whom we must go through to get to YHWH. This is the path of the sun when "it returns to the North" for it gets its power from YHwH the all consuming fire. The moon getting its power from the sun; 2nd-hand. When Yeshua descended to Hell & when he returns "to the East" he takes the Leftzhand path. He descends to the lands of death for Earth is decaying & dying as we are sinning the Breath of Life. Praise YHWH Yeshua will grant us the Breath of Life; covering us in Gods Essence from within eminating out. When the Heavens & Earth are recreated we will be in 1 plain of existence with God. There will be no need to recreate the sun & moon for Gods light will light the world. Being in Gods presence is LIFE; it is immortality. To lose it is to be in the state of decay & dying. Those "left behind" because of their sin & rejection of the messiah are consumed by Gods all consuming fire which is the lake of fire. They are the offering outside the Tabernacle. It is a pleasing aroma when justice is carried out. The laver, "sea", is where the believers (redeemed) are cleansed of sin. The cleansed will enter the Tabernacle of YHWH; the house of God. The throne room sits at the center & will no longer be veiled for we are protected by Gods light. HE IS PART OF US.

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