Abraham’s Third Woman – KETURAH – Where Are Her Descendants?” FYTube

“The Book of Genesis tells us that Abraham married another woman named Cura after Sarah, his beloved wife, died. As it is written in Genesis 25, Abraham had taken another wife whose name was Cura (Genesis 25:1-2). We will try to find out what really drove Abraham to marry another woman and did he marry her or did she have a concubine. “Welcome, dear viewers, to Bible Stories, where we delve into the rich narratives and profound lessons found in the Scriptures. Today, we explored the intriguing story of Abraham’s third wife, Keturah, and her descendants. The Bible unfolds a tapestry of characters and events that continue to inspire and offer insights into our own lives. Before we conclude, we encourage you to subscribe to our channel for more in-depth explorations of biblical stories.
Cura is explicitly described as Abraham’s concubine in the Book of Deuteronomy. The sons born to Cura, Abraham’s concubine, were Zimran, Jshin, Madon, Midian, Ishak, and Shua. The sons of Jshin were Sheba and Danan (1 Chronicles 1:32). Their names stand for groups of people who lived in the land of Israel and the Arabian Peninsula. Many commentators argue about whether Cura is Hagar or another woman. According to the Book of Chronicles, it’s clear that Cura and Hagar were concubines of Abraham.
Looking at the family tree of Abraham and Cura and considering what’s in the Book of Chronicles, the children of Cura were involved in trading goods like spices and gold internationally. Even though the Bible doesn’t say where Cura came from, it gives details about Abraham’s other wives like Sarah, Abraham’s brother’s daughter, and Hagar, the Egyptian woman. Cura, on the other hand, stays quiet in the Bible, and there’s no detailed description of her.
Whether Cura is Hagar or not, the argument ends with the words in Genesis 25: “But while he was still living, he gave gifts to the sons of his concubines” (Genesis 25:6). It appears Abraham had more than one concubine, Hagar and Cura, as indicated by the plural word ‘concubines.’
There are several interpretations of why Abraham married another wife after Sarah died and why he had so many children with her. Let’s return for a moment to the verse where Abraham distributes the blessings and gifts to his sons to understand the first interpretation. Abraham left everything he owned to Isaac, but while he was still living, he gave gifts to the sons of his concubines and sent them away from his son Isaac to the land of the East (Genesis 25:5-6).
According to the scriptures, all the property was given to Isaac only after the sons of Abraham and Keturah were born. Next, the sons of Cura were given gifts, and Abraham sent them to wander. What is the reason for Abraham not giving everything he owned to Isaac before Cura’s child was born? Are there any reasons for the wait?


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  1. As it is well prooved, that Abraham never been deep in Arabia, the descendants of Hagar are no way Hijjaz and Yemen arab tribes, but those, that populated modern Jordania or ancient Nabathea territories. Their tongue is somehow related to arabic, but modern arabic derives from the Hijjazi arabic – and nabathean tongue was someting middle between arabic and amoriac and hebrew. That way, as arabs of arabia peninsula are not those sons of Hagar, maybe sons of Ketura, who was sent more east, they probably are arabs of Saudi and Persian gulf territories. I do not talk of parables and homiletics – but as real history investigation. I talk what new israelites in times of prophets – they new the diference between Nabathea and Hijjazi tribes, only modern people make anachronical misinterpretations, as the post Muhammadian era dismissed the difference between branches of the arabian tribes, and that is why people believe arabs are hagar sons – actualy more Keturas. And Hagar sons are Jordan and Suria, Levant arabic tribes – and their tongue was closer to hebrew, that to modern arabic.
    Falce prophet Muhammad tought, or his followers invented that and lied, telling that was prophets own words, that Mecca Kaaba was founded by the Abraham himself – it is nonsence. Same time, you could look for Petra – Abraham could make sanctuary there – and also some investigators tell firstly quranic "farest qibla" been Petra, and then later was transformed into Medina. That way those, among jews and christians, who interprete Hagars descendance being Hijjazi, Meccan arabic tribes, are under muslim influence, and do make hidden propagation of islam, supporting their lies or inventments, as you wish to name it.

  2. Isaac was the child of promise. His son Jacob fathered the twelve tribes. Judah became the progenitor of the Judahites; later (post Babylon) shortened to Jews. ONLY children born into the tribe of Judah were EVER known as Jews. Benjamin and a portion of the Levites were incorporated into the (post-Solomon) house of Judah. They were called Jews; by nationality. Not by birth. The ten; non-Judahite tribes of the separate, and distinct; house of Israel were NOT Jews. A child born into the tribe of Dan was a Danite; not a Judahite. Therefore; could not be a Jew. Judahite was a tribal identifier; nothing more. Reuben/Reubenites. Simeon/Simeonites. and so on. In other words; non-Judahites. This is a biblical fact. Relevance to the video? Joseph's two non-Judahite sons received the birthright. Among the many tangible, and spiritual promises; God made a "latter days" promise to Ephraim, and Manasseh. (see Genesis 49:1 for the "latter days" term.) Biblical scholars concede that the term "latter days" is consistent w/ the Christian age. Post exile; God promised to exceedingly multiply the descendants of the ten tribes. (Hosea, chapter 1.) Ephraim, and Manasseh's latter-days descendants would form a "Great Nation, and Commonwealth/company of Nations." Manasseh's descendants would form a separate nation of "great people." These non-Judahite nations would be wealthy, and powerful; having great influence. They would possess the "gates of their enemies" In modern terms; they would control strategic; military chokepoints of other nations. They would be bounded by oceans, and–like their remote ancestors–Be God's "servant people." Meaning? They would be God's ambassadors; his "witnesses." They would have choice countries; fertile land; many navigable rivers; abundant natural resources, and God's many blessings. Judah did not receive the birthright. Joseph's descendants would inherit them; from generation; to generation.

    The nation of Israeli Jews are NOT biblical Israel. They do NOT possess Joseph's birthright promises. They are a recent; tiny nation; with relatively few people. As expected; they fulfill none of the characteristics of the latter-day descendants of Joseph; or any of the other ten tribes. Because….They are not Israel. As God spoke in Zephaniah 2; he would lead a "remnant" of "Judah" (Not Israel) back into the land of their forefather Judah. When? "Before the great and terrible day of the LORD."

    The house of Israel; led by Ephraim, and the house of Judah are both separate, and distinct. Unlike too many Bible "scholars" today; God never conflated the two houses. Different politics/histories/prophecies. Are the Jews today "Israel"? No; not according to scripture. One hears the refrain that "all twelve tribes were Jews." Again; wrong. "The Jews of today represent all twelve tribes. Wrong. Read Ezekiel. The two houses (two sticks) will remain estranged/separate until the Lord returns.

    Only ONE group of related nations fulfill God's promise to non-Judahite/"Jewish" Ephraim, and Manasseh. Only one group of related nations received the Gospel, and carried it to the other nations. Further proof: With whom was the New Covenant made? Read Jeremiah 31:31. "To the house of Israel (ten tribes), and to the house of Judah." Which "Great Nation, and Commonwealth of Nations" and singular nation of "great people" possess the New Covenant? Which group of related nations on earth are known as Christian (New Covenant) nations? Any other nations around the world heard the Gospel through these New Covenant people. The Keturah story is mildly interesting; but the wrong focus. The better question: "Where are the descendants of the ten tribes; especially Ephraim, and Manasseh." God solemnly promised that the descendants of the non-Judahite ten tribes would be multitudinous; like the sand of the sea. Ephraim and Manasseh's latter day descendants would form the aforementioned nations. They would manifest the multi-promises of the birthright nations. The latter-day characteristics of ALL the tribes are listed in Genesis 49. Joseph's two sons received their blessing separately; in Genesis 48.

    Keturah is a nothingburger. Interesting; but irrelevant to God's latter-day fulfillment promises to all the tribes of Jacob, and particularly Ephraim, and Manasseh. The overlooked ten tribes of biblical Israel–not the so-called "Israel" in the news today–Received the bulk of God's Old Testament focus. They were numerous in Jesus' day; as the Jewish historian Josephus writes: "There are but two tribes in Europe subject to the Romans, the ten tribes are beyond the Euphrates, an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by number" Antiquities of the Jews 11:133.

    These people are the "other sheep/other fold" Jesus came to "seek and save." "I have not come but for the lost (dispersed) sheep of the house of Israel." Notice he said Israel; not Judah. They had not been dispersed. Sheep always refers to descendants of Jacob; not to any other people. This can be confirmed by a reading of the Old Testament. These people formed the mighty nation of Parthia; well-known to ancient historians. When Parthia eventually fell; multitudes of these people–No longer known as Israel–journeyed through the Caucasus Mountain Range, and into early Europe. They became known as "Caucasians." Their route through the Caucasus is still known as the "Pass of Israel." There is abundant historical/church/archeological/linguistic/folklore evidence for anyone willing to do the research. Skeptics are many; but their objections are readily overcome. Recent DNA research is the latest piece of the "puzzle." As Jesus, and Josephus attest–The ten tribes were never "lost." They underwent many name changes, and long migrations. https://www.associationcovenantpeople.org/the-biblical-dna-of-the-british-isles/

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