Documentary: Journey to the Truth – Exodus & The Real Mount Sinai (Part 5) FYTube

What’s happening all around us? Everything is changing so quickly, it’s hard to keep up! For many, this is a perfect time to ask the hard questions, even; what is the meaning to life? This #documentary is a journey to the truth that has been hidden from you on purpose. Would you like to know more?

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  1. James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

    This teacher named the "Parable of the Vineyard" on youtube said to me eating pork is a sin?

    He also said, the uncircumcised in the heart, and the uncircumcised in the flesh, shall not enter into the kingdom of God?

    This teacher also believes in (Yeshua) Jesus Christ, but he lives by the Law of Moses and by the testimony of Jesus Christ at the same time?

    How is this possible?

    SINCE HE SAID, the uncircumcised in the heart, nor the uncircumcised in the flesh, shall enter into the kingdom of God?


    Since he and many others believe that eating pork is a sin, and being uncircumcised is a sin, then by those Laws, they are commanded to give animal sacrifices on the sabbath days, according to the Law of Moses, so do they sacrifice animals?

    If they say they do not sacrifice animals on the sabbath days, then they are sinning by what they believe and teach.

    If they say yes, they do sacrifice animals to obey the Law of Moses on the sabbaths, then they are not accepting the sacrifice of Yeshua on the tree, and are sinning.

    So which is it?

    SO DO THEY SACRIFICE ANIMALS ON THE SABBATH DAYS AND OBEY ROMANS 12:1 AT THE SAME TIME OR NO? since they said, the uncircumcised in the heart, nor the uncircumcised in the flesh, shall enter into the kingdom of God?

    I never got an answer.

    Do we just ignore what God said through the servant Paul in the New Testament? NO, God forbid.

    Galatians 5:1-6

    It says,

    Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

    Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.

    For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.

    Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law, ye are fallen from grace.

    For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.

    For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith which worketh by love.

    Basically, by saying pork is a sin to eat, they're saying they sacrifice animals on the sabbath?, and if they don't, by the Law of Moses, its a sin unto them, and if they do, then they are sinning against the sacrifice of Jesus also known as Yeshua on the cross.

    They live within a TRAP by a teaching not led by God, but instead by man's own convictions.

    It's that plain when a person claimes Torah through the Law of Moses, they cannot offend the Law of God, they have to obey all the laws written within the Old Testament, or else that would be twisting scripture and sinning against God.

    Everything Spirit in the TORAH, we OBEY, but now we go back to the circumcision of the flesh? No, God forbid.

    If anyone says eating pork is a sin, then they have to obey animal sacrifices and Deuteronomy 22:11, and the circumcision of the flesh because the New Testament says you have to obey all the Law of Moses in order to not sin.

    Are they wearing garments of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together?

    If so, they are sinning according to the Law of Moses.

    How do you obey the Law of Moses by not giving an animal sacrifice on the sabbath? I'm curious.

    The second greatest commandment by the Torah was "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself"…then Jesus (Yeshua) said, This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you…many get confused about the Law of Moses, and it becoming fulfilled through the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

    Do we still command circumcision of the flesh when in fact it says we are now circumcision of the heart? NO

    The Lord is a forgiving Spirit, but if you are living in sin at your end, you will not enter into the Kingdom of God.

    It's a sin to teach lies not taught by Jesus Christ, or the Holy Ghost within the New Testament.

    If people condemn others through any teaching not biblical according to the testimony of Jesus Christ, they are sinning.

    Basically, if you eat pork, or are uncircumcised, you are not going to enter into the Kingdom of God when you die according to what they teach.

    Everything Spirit in the TORAH, we OBEY, but we do not go back to the Law of Moses according to the Old Testament.

    Instead, we are fulfilling those laws, through Jesus Christ daily.

    Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath, so does the Lord of the Sabbath dwell in you?

    Jesus Christ is our final sacrifice, which stops all animal sacrifices, so do you OBEY Romans 12:1?

    The Holy Ghost said all things made by God are good to eat when received and given in thanksgiving and blessed in His name.

    Romans 14:1-3 and Acts 10:9-16 and Colossians 2:16 support eating all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air, created by God are good to eat when blessed.

    Another Question,

    By their understanding, they say the Father has His own name, and the Son has his own name, so why does it say we baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?

    Do they baptize in the Father's name, and Son's name together?

    Because they both are spelled differently according to their teachings?

    If so, what is the name of the Holy Ghost?

    When they baptize, do they say, YAHUAH YESHUA?…and (whatever name they have for the Holy Ghost)?

    So the Father's name is YAHUAH, and the Son's name is YESHUA according to their teachings,…so how does this harmonize with Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38?

    In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God according to John 1:1.

    What is the name of the Father?

    What is the name of the Son?

    What is the name of the Holy Ghost?

    Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38 say that we are to baptize IN THE NAME, and not names.

    They teach that the Father has a name and that the Son has a name, so by this count, we have two names?

    This contradicts Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38.

    I present this research in hope that if any person has these same beliefs, that they might think otherwise.

    James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

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