This show originally aired on 12/01/2010.
The Greeks talked about Hades – the underworld – a place with at least three compartments. One for “good” people, one for bad and the lowest portion known as Tartarus, the prison of the gods. The Egyptians and Norse told of an underworld inside the earth. And Jesus and St. Peter also made references to such a place in the Bible. Author, Jim Wilhelmsen will be joining us to talk about Inner Earth Theories and UFOs. Watch Jim’s videos here:
Also be sure to visit Jim’s site:
Sorry. This was one of those early episodes where my zeal and excitement caused me to forget that I was just the host and that I should have shut up and let my guest speak.
Also, this was the very early days of my research. If you’ve seen my more recent material, you know I’ve obviously changed my views on some of this since then.