Aliens & The End of the World ForYouTube

How are aliens and the biblical end times connected with each other? Honestly, more than they want you to know. The topic of extra terrestrials typically surfaces thoughts of flying saucers, little green men, invasions, abductions and much more. Over the past 121 years (1902-2024), Hollywood has been busy at work, forming the minds of the masses through media.

Little did we know, they are preparing the world to reject, and fight against our Messiah when he returns. Seem farfetched? Possibly, however, have you ever wondered how the Beast is able to get the whole world to fight Messiah? It’s time to expose the dark agenda at hand, and bring to light, the truth.

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  1. Crazy thing. I was scrolling Instagram, and there were a few 911 videos, on there. I've had this video for a few days and waiting for the time to listen to it. I don't know what the Father has for me to hear, but I know it's important because He has given me sign.

  2. Everything you said seem solid until you started talking about the New Jerusalem coming down have you not read the scripture the New Jerusalem comes on the new Earth after the millennial Kingdom after Satan has been loosed for a short time Esther the white Throne judgement notice it says he comes in the clouds with great power and Glory but you tried to add him bringing a city with him do not know what Ezekiel chapter 40 is it is the fourth temple the temple that will be built by yahusha this is the Temple of the millennial Kingdom this is where the animal sacrifice will happen this is where the Nations will have to come once a year the new Earth and the New Jerusalem that comes down has no temple in it notice that talks about those that died during the tribulation and it speaks of what they'll be doing during the millennial Reign it says they will serve him in his Temple day and night that is the Ezekiel chapter 40 Temple there is no temple in the New Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven after the second Gog and Magog which is the end of Satan please rightly divide the word it's very simple it's all laid out they're clearly is a millennial Temple and clearly there is no temple in Jerusalem because the lamb is the temple and that's what it says in Scripture when the Rapture occurs they will say it was yahusha but they will call him a hostile alien and I agree on everything else as far as the world Gathering against him at the end The Sixth Seal happens around the halfway point and this is after a great earthquake the people want to go back into the caves and they would rather seek death because the firmament opens and the waters above part and everyone on the Earth sees the Lamb on the throne and they can't handle it he's right above Polaris the North Star the Earth is not a globe it is a Lie from the Gates of Hell there are no planets the Earth is not a planet what they call planets are stars wandering stars and we have fixed stars that are placed in the firmament with the sun and the moon which are also lights it says the father created only one son and only one Moon two great lights the moon has its own light the almighty is on top of the sea of glass the water above the firmament he's literally right above us don't believe the lie of the fake universe

  3. I just saw some of the live comments…a lot of them were talking about the rapture, whether it's pre trib or not. We may never know for sure. There's no reason to put others down bc they believe differently than you.

  4. Such a great video man!!! Preach the truth brother!!! Thank you so much for shining a light on the evil agenda that is so prevalent in our current time. Just subscribed to the channel and Im so excited to share this with my children and friends and family!❤

  5. DO NOT BE FOOLED!! The first is antichrist coming in the clouds / sky claiming to be Jesus!!!! ! How you will know because in the twinkling of an eye, our bodies will be changed from flesh bodies to spiritual bodies!. If you are in flesh body and can pinch your skin it is the antichrist, Jesus comes AFTER antichrist!!
    1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed

    Luke 17:23 And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them.

    Matthew 24:23–25. Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.

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