Welcome back, dear viewers, to our Bible Stories YouTube channel, where we delve into the timeless narratives of the Scriptures. Today, we embark on a thought-provoking exploration of why the Jewish people, despite witnessing the extraordinary works of Jesus, rejected him as the Messiah. Join us as we unravel the historical and cultural contexts, shedding light on the intricate tapestry of events that shaped this pivotal moment in biblical history. Let’s dive into the profound reasons behind this significant aspect of the New Testament narrative. There are many reasons why the Jewish people, for the most part, rejected Jesus as the Messiah. But in this video, I’ll give you four of them. The first is that they confused the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah’s first and second comings. There were many prophecies about the Messiah that Jesus fulfilled in his first coming, such as the Messiah’s character in Isaiah chapter 11, prophecies about where the Messiah would be born in Micah 5:2, how the Messiah would suffer and die in Isaiah 53, and also about the exact timing of the Messiah’s coming in Daniel chapter 9, verses 2-27. some things they expected Jesus to do and that he did not fulfill in his first coming. But first, context is crucial for this discussion. At the time Jesus began his earthly ministry, when he was born, the Jewish people were under severe Roman oppression. They were not free to rule their lands as they wished. So, there was this Messianic expectation that when the Messiah came, he would free Israel from all Roman oppression, establish an Earthly Kingdom where the Jewish people would be the primary group ruling and reigning with the Messiah in their own land. Obviously, we know that Jesus did not do this during his first coming, but he will in his second coming. With this context, let’s talk about some things they expected Jesus to do. The first thing they expected him to do was to restore the kingdom to Israel. You can look at scriptures like Joel chapter 3, verses 1-17, which talk about how, when the Messiah comes, he will purify the world from evil. You can also look at other prophecies, like Psalm chapter 2, verse 6, which talks about the Messiah who will reign and rule with a rod of iron. You can also look at other prophecies, like Isaiah chapter 2, verse 4, which talks about when the Messiah comes, he will bring peace to the kingdom, so people will no longer prepare for war. In fact, even Jesus’s own apostles wondered and questioned if Jesus would fulfill these Old Testament prophecies. Before he ascended to heaven, observe in Acts chapter 1, shortly after Jesus rose from the dead and before ascending to heaven, they said this: “John baptized with water, but in a few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” So, when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, is this the time when you will free Israel and restore our kingdom?” Even the apostles, people who followed Jesus for some time, understood that one of the things the Messiah would do, according to the Old Testament prophecies, was to free Israel from Roman oppression and establish an Earthly Kingdom. But what they didn’t realize is that Jesus was coming to bring or inaugurate a kingdom, but it wasn’t the kind of kingdom they were expecting.

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  1. Jesus said that he had come in his father's name, and had been rejected. He also stated that in the last days, another would come in his own name, he the people will accept. Jesus was looking to "The Lord, and Savior," Barak Obama. When Mary visited Elizebeth, The prophet John, leapt within the womb of his mother. The Holy Spirit responded to itself. The Jews rejected Jesus, because The Holy Spirit, was not present in their hearts of stone.

  2. It’s not so much that the Jews rejected Jesus—all the first Christians were Jews—as that only those who rejected him were still considered to be Jews. One of the reasons the leaders had to arrest him at night was because the average Jerusalem Jew was solidly pro-Jesus.

    Jesus’ teachings were not all that new—they tracked directly to the basic message of the prophets: God prefers mercy over sacrifice. Which is more merciful, healing on the Sabbath or having someone suffer another day? If the priests worked on the Sabbath offering sacrifices—doing God’s work on the Sabbath, why would healing someone—using God’s power, hence being God’s work—on the Sabbath be wrong? After all, if God were against it, the healing would not have happened.

    After 3 years with Jesus, the Apostles still misunderstood Jesus’ mission. 10 days later, after a few seconds with the Holy Spirit, they understood all. Jesus, in a body, couldn’t enter their minds to turn off their misconceptions. The Holy Spirit could. But the Spirit had to work with the teachings and acts of Jesus that they had seen and heard. It took longer to provide the teachings and actions than it took to reveal what they meant. But it took Jesus and the Spirit, working as a unit under the direction of the Father to accomplish all. All 3 worked as a unit, because that’s what they are. The Shema is correct. There is only one God. But he has to work with us in 3 ways to achieve our salvation.

  3. What utter rubbish.
    1 There are 4 gospels. Inthe earliest 3 gospels Jesus never claims to be divine let alone one of the godheads. Only in St John the last gospel ( written about 90+ AD ) is such a claim made. Can you imagine the 3 earlier gospels missing such a point if he had claimed it as in st John? Would St Mark have missed “before Abraham I was”? – of course not.
    2 there is absolutely nothing that Jesus really said that any religious Jewish person then or now would object to. He was a Pharisee and as such he was perfectly entitled to interpret the law the way he saw it and to preach it as he interpreted it. This applies then as it does now.
    He insisted, I repeat insisted that his followers should follow the law as preached by the Pharisees only in his CORRECT opinion they should follow it in spirit as well as in practice. No different than a Jewish or Christian or Moslem preacher would preach today.
    3 many Jewish people called Ebionites or Nazarenes , many who actually knew him, did follow him but did not accept that he was God simply because they never heard him making such a claim. They disappeared from history as the Greek world adopted the version of St Paul.
    4 Paul who is responsible for spreading the theology of Christianity. For the idea of original sin and the idea that Jesus atoned for “our sins” did not believe that Jesus was a godhead (he preached and wrote before St John’s gospel was written) he did however believe that like Elijah God exhalted him(but was always superior to him).
    5 how many of the readers of these comments reject evolution and believe in Adam and Eve ? – if you believe in “original sin” you have to believe in Adam and Eve who were responsible for it.
    6 sorry but all the quotes from the Old Testament are misquoting what is said or who is the topic of the sayings. The famous suggestion that Isiah quotes that a virgin will give birth is nonsense. In the original text namely in Hebrew it says a young woman will give birth.
    7 Next where in ancient Hebrew traditions, is it ever stated that a messiah (meaning the anointed one in Hebrew ) will be a godhead? A messiah was supposed to be sent by God to rescue the Jewish people. The reason Jewish people do not believe that Jesus is a godhead is very very simple
    1 a messiah was never supposed to be a godhead. That is a latter day idea.
    2 Jesus never rescued the Jewish people from the Romans. The Romans crucified him. So he was not particularly successful in his mission.
    3 the non Jewish followers of Jesus have persecuted the Jewish people for 2000 years. Not exactly an incentive to think well of the experience.
    4 the Jewish people accepted and still accept Jesus to have had a right as any other teacher (rabbi) has, to interpret the law as he understood it. There is nothing to object about his teachings although they are particularly tough and not at all practical (you commit adultery by even thinking about it, a “thought crime”) –
    8 in conclusion: Jew-deism is about interpretation of the Mosaic law. Different Jewish people will interpret it differently.
    Of course many Jewish people then and today accept the law as largely interpreted by Jesus. He was a highly ethical person steeped in Jewish law and his interpretation of “the Sabath was made for man and not man for the Sabath” is a perfectly intelligent and valid interpretation of the Mosaic law. An interpretation which the vast majority of Jewish people follow . What he did not say is “ignore the Sabath and ignore the law” – as Paul said
    Some ultra religious Jews interpret the Sabath rules more strictly (but less strictly regarding “thought crime”)
    What Jewish people do not believe in, is that Jesus atoned for our sins. (We can ask God for forgiveness directly) the concept of original sin or the idea of Jesus being part of the godhead.

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