1. 🚨🚨 This is in real time. At the time of writing this it is Oct 16 2025 at 10:13 AM and I have been in play for over 56 hrs as of right now. ( To my family I love you all so much I can't put it into words everything you have done for me I am eternaly grateful! )

    America needs to wake the fuck up, now. The war for this country has already started, and if we don’t act fast, we might not have the ability to win it. The clock is ticking. I'm in possession of some information that could blow the lid off everything, and I’ve spent the last three days driving non-stop across the country, trying to get this out. Every attempt has failed. Every person I’ve contacted has either gone dark or outright disappeared. Even when I tried going to the police, I was turned away. “Not in their jurisdiction,” they said. But the truth? They’re terrified—this information is terrifying.

    This isn’t the rambling of a madman. I have hard, cold evidence to back up every word. I’ve had five assassination attempts on my life in the last 48 hours, each more brazen and violent than the last. The most recent one? I took a bullet straight to the chest. But I’m still here, breathing, only because I was wearing level-five body armor. Had it not been for that, I’d be a corpse right now. And those other attempts? They weren’t even conventional—they’re using directed energy weapons, or DEWs. Every time I stop the car, within minutes my skin feels like it's burning, my organs are set on fire from the inside, and I’m hit with waves of dizziness and nausea. But as soon as I get back in the car, the symptoms vanish. It’s not paranoia. It’s happening, and it’s real.

    The first attempt wasn’t physical—it was psychological. They tried to mess with my mind, implanting false memories, hoping to push me over the edge. It started like this: I was sitting at home, stone-cold sober, when I heard this strange clicking noise. It was like the rapid-fire shutter of a camera, only it felt like it was inside my head. Then, all of a sudden, I had these horrific memories flooding into my mind—memories of my parents torturing me as a child. These memories were so real, so vivid, that for a moment, I questioned everything. But here’s the thing: my parents love me. They’ve been nothing but caring and supportive my entire life. I know that. And yet, these false memories were so well-crafted, so detailed, that they made me doubt my own reality.

    The goal was clear—they wanted to drive me insane, to make me snap and harm my family. It was a clean, calculated setup. Push me to the brink, get me to commit murder, then send the cops to “take care of” the problem. They could’ve spun it as just another case of a war veteran with PTSD losing control. It would’ve been the perfect hit—neat, tidy, and believable. But they underestimated me. I didn’t snap. Instead, I regrouped, analyzed the situation, and pieced together what they were doing. I left Missouri immediately and headed south, to Tennessee, to try and meet with a contact.

    The drive down was a nightmare. I kept getting hit with DEWs the entire way, like they were tracking my every move. And just 30 minutes before I was supposed to meet up with my contact, they finally sent in the physical hit—someone put a bullet in my chest. But thanks to my vest, I’m still here. That’s when I realized something. They weren’t just trying to eliminate me; they were cutting off every avenue I had to get the truth out. I’m convinced they’ve taken out multiple contacts—these weren’t just ordinary people. They were operators, Tier 1 guys, combat vets, and high-ranking officials in the DEA, FBI, and DOD. All of them—gone. Just like that. Erased.

    I don’t know how much time I have left, so if I don’t make it, this video will be my final message. If nothing else, I can only hope it finds its way into the right hands. When they implanted those false memories in me, they inadvertently unlocked something—a mental block. And suddenly, I started remembering things I wasn’t supposed to. Missions. Black ops. Operations I was involved in—illegal assassinations and covert activities in places like Colombia, Chile, Africa, and even right here on U.S. soil. Things that would make your blood run cold.

    I’ve died three times. Literally. Each time, I was resuscitated. And each time, they used their technology to erase parts of my memory, to make sure I couldn’t remember the truth. But now I do. You see, what they don’t want you to know is that your memories are recorded. Like files on a computer, they’re stored in your DNA, and they can extract them. Every blood sample, every piece of genetic material they collect from you—it’s all data they can use to pull out your memories. Every deep, dark secret you thought was safe in the recesses of your mind—they can access it. They know more about you than you do. And with the right radio waves and frequencies, they can implant new memories. They can make you believe anything they want. And they can take away your free will.

    This is the true face of the operation to take over our country. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look into Project Blue Beam. It might sound like science fiction, but it’s happening, right now. They’re using technology to manipulate us, to control us. They want to create a global government, a one-world religion, and they’re doing it by manipulating the skies. HAARP? That’s just one piece of the puzzle. Those hurricanes that devastated the Carolinas and Florida? That wasn’t Mother Nature. That was a weaponized weather attack, orchestrated by the U.S. government itself. The increased activity in the Northern Lights? That’s them ramping up energy levels, manipulating the ionosphere to create storms and disasters in regions that support the opposition.

    And FEMA? They’re not there to help—they’re there to control. They’re blocking aid and preventing rescue operations, because the goal is not to save lives. It’s to end them. This is a targeted operation, an act of war against U.S. citizens. And they’re just getting started.

    If you think that’s the end of it, think again. Project Blue Beam is also about controlling what we believe. Soon, you’ll start hearing about “newly discovered” ancient artifacts, things that will supposedly disprove all the world’s religions. They want to shatter our faith, divide us, and make us question everything we know. Because a divided people is an easy target. When we’re united, we’re dangerous. But right now? We’re divided, and we’re weak.

    That’s why they’re using satellites—like Starlink—to project holograms into the sky. They want to stage a fake alien invasion, to make us believe we’re under attack. They’ll use fear to manipulate us, because fear is the most powerful weapon they have.

    You’ve seen it happening. Look at the UFO disclosures—it’s all part of the plan. Those aren’t aliens from another planet—they’re government projects designed to fool us. The chemtrails? They’re creating a projection screen for these holograms. People say it would take too much energy to pull off, but that’s a lie. Energy is everywhere, all around us. It’s free, but they’ve hidden that from us.

    They’ve been poisoning us for years. The fluoride in our water, the chemicals in our food—it’s all designed to dull our senses, to keep us from thinking clearly, to keep us from resisting. They’ve calcified our pineal glands, taken away our ability to see the truth. They want us docile, obedient, and easily manipulated.

    But I’ve seen through it all. And now that I remember everything, I know exactly what they’ve done to me. I’ve been tortured, brainwashed, used as a puppet for their dirty work. And I’m not alone. This is happening to thousands of people, all around the world.

    And the missing children? The human trafficking? It’s all connected. I’ve seen the footage—high-ranking officials, judges, police officers, involved in sex trafficking, drug smuggling, arms dealing. It goes all the way to the top. If the American people knew the truth, if they knew what I know, we would rise up and take this country back. But right now, we’re too busy fighting each other, distracted by the lies they’ve fed us.

    Too many brave men, women, and children have sacrificed everything for the freedom we’re now throwing away. Freedom isn’t free, and the bill has come due. America has a choice to make: Do we roll over and let them take everything from us, or do we stand up, unite, and fight back?

    The storm isn’t over. It’s just beginning. And unless we act now, it’s going to sweep us all away

  2. so what's up with the 2 wolf super packs in northern Minnesota, I'm sure 40 wolves in each pack doesn't kill a ton of deer. I'm sure they're just eating grass to survive. Oh and not to mention the local dogs. yeah we should just let them run rough shot all over us and let them eat us to. She's right save the planet we don't need humans. We can just keep worshiping Gaia.

  3. I am in Oregon. A black wolf was spotted on a hay pivot a half mile down the road. Our cattle, pastured about 12-15 miles from that pivot, are very much within a wolf's circle. When the yearling calves were brought in a month ago, there was a very foul smell. Turns out a heifer was chewed up extremely bad. ODFW came out and declared it a wolf attack. We will be compensated for it. We are good with that. The problem is when this collared wolf was reported ODFW, they had no clue about it or it's whereabouts.
    Rogan, invite a rancher on now.

  4. Joe should have Asmongold on after getting banned from Twitch this morning for his conversation with Hasan about Israel and Palestine. Speaks to much larger contextual issues. Tolerance until you disagree.

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