Strange Prophecies About To Take Place (Watch Before November 2024) FYTube

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
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►Footage licensed through and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

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Title: Strange Prophecies About To Take Place (Watch Before November 2024)

Strange Prophecies About To Take Place (Watch Before November 2024)” discusses several significant changes happening in the world, aligning with biblical prophecies, especially from the Book of Revelation and other New Testament passages.

The Great Falling Away: There is an increasing number of people leaving their faith and turning away from Christianity. This “falling away” is considered a key sign of the end times as described in the Bible (2 Thessalonians 2:1-3). The video emphasizes that this event will continue to grow, fulfilling the prophecy of a widespread rebellion against God.

The Rise of a One-World Religion: The video warns of a new, emerging religion that will unite people but lead them away from traditional Christian values. This religion is linked to “Babylon” from Revelation, symbolizing spiritual corruption and idolatry. Babylon is portrayed as being closely tied to the Antichrist and will ultimately be destroyed.

People Will Begin to Change: The video highlights that people are becoming more self-centered, materialistic, and resistant to God’s teachings, as described in 2 Timothy 3:1-4. It explains that such behavior is a clear indication of the perilous times described in biblical prophecy.

The message concludes with a call for Christians to remain faithful and focus on spreading the gospel, warning against being distracted by false teachings and emphasizing the importance of understanding the Bible’s predictions about the end times.



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  1. They told us Israel has been regathered already which is a lie base on the bible we read. 2 Timothy 2:18 concerning the truth have erred saying the resurrection is past already overthrowing the faith of some. ( In other words because we believe them dried bones of Ezekiel has already been awake we will not try to be engrafted into the true Israel which is what we are to be doing as we speak. But what I'm about to say never come up in our churches. The Israel we know today what the bible say about them? Revelation 2:9 them that say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan. Where are the real Jews? Isaiah 1:3 The ox know his owner and the ass his master's crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider. Who is a Jews base on the bible? Romans 2:7 ye are called a Jew that rest in the law (10 commandments) and make thy boast of God ( so all 7th day should be called Jews and not SDA). What the bible say about Gentiles? 1 Thessalonians 4:5 Gentiles know not God. All Gentiles are in err knowingly or unknown to them. Romans 1:16 salvation to the Jew first and also the Greek. Notice it never said Gentiles. Some conversion will have to take place hence the name change. Revelation 12:17 the dragon was wrath with the woman ( who escaped) and went to make war with the remnant of her see that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Christ( this is the conversion. If we don't keep his commandments now we will have to then and be killed like the other prophets of old. Luke 21:36 pray to be found worthy to escape. The wedding man of of God is all about a spotless bride and the truth is we are far from ready. Our Father know this and is always a step ahead of the old serpent. Ezekiel 22:30 I sought for a man to fill the gap and found none ( so he took on the job himself and sent his son to start the process. Both the natural branch and engrafted need to wake up now. This world say they are gathered already but it is written they that say they are Jews and not but are the synagogue of Satan in Revelation. Now the questions is where is the real Israel? They are still scattered and will be regathered a second time by God's mighty hand Isaiah 11:11 from the nations. In Moses time they were in one place right? This say from the nations. It is written God will fight for his people. Ezekiel 38:11 the land of unwalled villages ( can we now see this anywhere around? However we get there pre rapture or Exodus, to me it no matter as long as we are found worthy to escape to safety where we will be protected and fed for a time and also complete our purification process. Zechariah 13:9 a third part will be tried as silver and gold and shall call on his name( his name they hid from us and still doing so. only the fitest of the fitest will service this round. No lukewarm. No paper soldier. I believe the fallen away turn up here. We must be firm on the solid rock or sink in the sand.) Ezekiel 20:38 I will purge the rebels from among you ( final purification in the wilderness just as before when some Israelite died. Nothing new under the sun.) The unwalled villages being Matthew 16:28 some of you standing here shall not taste of deaths till the son of man come in the sky( while the others go wash them robes to go home back in Jerusalem/ the world, after this comes the rapture where the dead in Christ rise first then the ones alive on the holy mountain cought up in the air. Our Father loves us so much he want us to know what's happening. That's the only way we can fight against the serpent and him fakeness. Greater is he that is within us than that dirty dragon. Only a pity so many of our brothers and sisters falling into his traps which are many. The King of kings will be with him shortly. I know he must be shaking in them boots, if him ware any. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Peace be unto us all.

  2. They have us looking for the rapture because they lied to us 2 Timothy 2:18 concerning the truth have erred saying the resurrection is past already overthrowing the faith of some. Them dried bones spoken of has been regathered yet by God. Revelation 2:9 them that say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan. So where is Israel? Isiah 1:3 The ox know his owner and the ass his master's crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider. Romans 2:17 ye are called a Jew that rest in the law (10 commandments) and make thy boast of God. SDA base on the bible are Jews so why are they called SDA. So many lies we been told. Time to wake up. Or we will be in trouble

  3. Jude 1:4 men crept in before of old ungodly men turning the grace of God into lasciviousness denying our Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ ( them ungodly men are the pope-ry. Them no hide that they changed the Sabbath of our Lord/ commandments of God to commandments of men as it is written. (Saturday the 7 th day to Sunday the first as we know it) proverbs 28:4 to forsake the law ( 10 commandments) is to praise the wicked (the B-st) if we choose not to keep the commandments of God/ including his 7th day Sabbath then we worship the beast which we been doing long ago hence Christ saying to woman of Samaria ye know not what ye worship John 4:22. Sunday worshippers know not what ye worship. Psalms 111:10 a good understanding have all they that do his commandments. Proverbs 21:16 the man that wandereth out of the way of understanding remain in the congregation of the dead/ great tribulation. Micah 2:10 Arise ye and depart; this is not your rest: it is polluted, it shall destroy you with sore destruction. (Get out a Babylon before she burn) Revelation 2:4-5 return to thy first love and do thy first works or else………. The sealed books are now open and knowledge going to and fro. Let my people go so that they can worship me as it is written. Acts 13:6 Bar Jesus the Sorcerer false prophet. Bar Jesus in Hebrew son of Joshua in Hebrew Yehoshua/Yashua is the god ye calling on. Time to awake from slumber.

  4. Churches in US are nothing more than social groups. They dont actually preach truth to their congregation. A true preacher should OFFEND you. They should chastise you into wanting to be a better human. They dont do that anymore. They just speak sweet nothings pass around collection rinse repeat. I get upset with the man of God i have chosen because he challenges my weak willed desires and says do something about it if you feel this way and for that i am grateful to him and to God for caring enough to want me to be a better me for my kids, wife and anyone i associate with. It sucks to realize you have a lot of work ahead of you but then again iy is a blessing. Ill fight weak willed life til the day i die and ill smile upon that moment knowing i didnt give in to perversion, selfish desires, and unnatural living. God loves all of us but that doesnt mean he wont let you burn. If you choose suffering you will get what you desire.

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