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  1. Jesus specifically told us that we "would" see the day approaching, and millions of faithful believers do!


    The list below is simultaneously happening right at this very moment:

    1️⃣The prophetic, unsustainable, and escalating war in Israel.

    2️⃣The UN global governance agenda this month in New York (including the Summit of the Future with a directive of leaving "no one behind"), in conjunction with continued "peace and security" talks.

    3️⃣The Pope recently stating that ALL religions/paths lead to God.

    4️⃣The signs in the sun, moon, and stars.

    5️⃣The Feast of Trumpets on October 2nd (nicknamed the feast that "no one knows the day or hour").

    6️⃣Wars and rumors of wars (tensions are high worldwide).

    7️⃣A plethora of earthquakes in diverse places, famines, and continued pestilences.

    8️⃣The seven year anniversary of the Revelation sign (from 9/23/17).

    9️⃣The most potentially detrimental and high-stakes American election in history.

    🔟The great falling away and apostasy of the modern day "c"hurch (people having a form of godliness, but denying its power).

    And don’t forget the April eclipse that completed an "X" over America from 7 years earlier, increasing media talk and coverage of UFOs and aliens, the Euphrates River drying up, Red Heifers in Israel with preparation for a third temple, A.I. technology growing exponentially, global currency talks and massive global debt, the BRICS alliance, Apophis (aka "god of destruction") comet coming in 2029, God’s Spirit being poured out leading to dreams and visions, increased knowledge available to those who are seeking it (Daniel 12:4), a rampant increase in mockers and scoffers (2 Peter 3 and Jude), reprobate minds (Romans 1:18-32), as well as 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and 4:3-4, and much, much more.

    Time to wake up folks, and be SURE that you've received Jesus' forgiveness of your sins.

    Be SURE of your salvation.

      —“Now when these things BEGIN to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”  Luke 21:28

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