If You Think You Can Handle The TRUTH , Here It Is!! FYTube

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

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Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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  1. The world is being overrun by lude and criminal behaviors and is looking more and more like the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. As a Christian i have no doubt that God is preparing the same for us all in today's world, Satan's world, as we are witnessing evil and lawlessness, very similar behaviors taking place as to what is written in scripture, all around the world.

    What happened in biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, whether it was homosexuality or another transgression, such as the act of inhospitable behavior towards visitors, the act of sexual assault, murder, theft, adultery, idolatry, power abuses, or prideful and mocking behavior, that was the principal reason for God's destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    We need to understand that when we are not right with God in Jesus name, our sins allow Satan's spirits and demons to enter into our lives. If you are with God in Jesus name it's the people around us that sin who will come into our lives to steal and destroy what you have with God. We are in times today of serious spiritual warfare where even those around you will pay to do witchcraft and voodoo against anyone who has chasen a life with Jesus without sin. Many cultures all around the world are praying to false idols that they were taught to be gods, but are nothing more that demons. When people seek psychics and mediums, it is a form of witchcraft and they are summoning demons.

    You need to be aware of the people around you who even try to tempt you into sins. You will know that its a person's nature that determines the character of their thoughts, emotions, and actions. You know the people around you by the things that they say and do. If they sin then they could be influenced by demons or spirits and, they too can be save and delivered from this evil in the name of Jesus through repentance and prayer. It is a choice that we all have to make. Satan can't force us to sin only trich and manipulate us, and God will not force us to choose Him either. He created us with free will to make this choice on our own, knowing the difference right and wrong, sins and righteousness.

    I myself have spent a lifetime of people tempting me to sin and trying to influence me into sinful situations. This was in the seventies, back before gender was a topic of discussion as it is today. My own siblings always told me, on more than one occasion, I should have been a boy, I was supposed to be one. I never knew why they were saying this except to be cruel, because i played sports and didn't care for dresses or makeup and i definitely didn't compete for boys in the way that they did. As i grew into a woman, i was constantly being targeted by the unwanted attention of women and again on more than one occasion my sisters were guilty of instigating a few of those times using their friends. Later in life I even found myself questioning sexual situations with some very beautiful women i was associated with in work circles and friends, that even i started to question what if. I never acted on those impulses because I knew it was not in my heart and it was wrong.

    That's when i figured it out, that they showed interest but would never be the aggressor because the devil can't force you to sin, they needed me to make that choice. My sins left me open to their attacks to try and manipulate me into doing many things just to keep me from God. At best all that they could do is try to get into my head to put thoughts into my mind, hoping that i would act on them. To be fair some these people could have been as unaware as i was of the way that we are all vulnerable to these spirits and demons through witchcraft. other are very aware and God knows the difference, thank goodness.

    Thoughts of depression, suicide and other emotions like hatred and rage, are evil spirits, and i implore anyone experiencing these to repent and pray to God in Jesus name. There is only one God and then there is Satan, a fallen Angel who wants to be God. It is our Father in the Heavens, our creator and the creator of the Heavens and the Earth who is the only one with the power to create life and eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. He created all of us in His image and that angers Satan because not even he has that power that God gave to us, and with Jesus in our lives when you repent, you take control of your life back from the hands of the devil through your prayers in Jesus name.

    As they crucified Jesus they were mocking his God where is He as you die on this cross, where is your God? Satan's biggest mistake was crucifying the Son of God, because now 2000 plus years later, after Satan has seduced our world today indulge in sinful pleasures, pulling people farther away from God. we have jesus Christ to save our souls if we choose to fight for it. Satan has his agents encouraging people Nation to Nation in all cultures to pray to false gods, knowing that sin alone will take billions of souls into eternal damnation with him.

  2. Dear Lord, help me do what is good and acceptable to you. May I learn to love others out of a pure heart. I want to have a better understanding of your love so that it affects how I treat other people.

  3. Ephesians 2:8-9 β€œFor by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
    Romans 10:13 β€œFor whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
    2 Corinthians 11:3 β€œBut I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
    Salvation is so simple, even a child can understand it. It is simply believing with your whole heart that Jesus’ Sacrifice on Calvary was the total and complete payment for your sin. Plus nothing, minus nothing. Jesus will take you just as you are, sin and all. He came for sinners. You don’t have to change because He will change you.
    Hebrews 2:3 β€œHow shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;”
    So really, what have you got to lose?

    Looking up!


    IS your choice !


    Revelation/ Apocalypse Chapter 21 verses 4 THRU 8….


    1 Corinthians πŸ“– chapter 2 verse 9…😊…


    ASK your phone or computer for these King James Gospel scriptures πŸ“–

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