THE BIBLE WAS RIGHT AGAIN! – Look At What They Are Already Doing To People FYTube

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  1. I am seeing all end time bible prophecy unfolding right now. Barack obama is fulfilling all scriptures of the Antichrist. See Daniel 11:36-45….this section describes what the final antichrist does (bible says there are many little antichrists). Antichrist overthrows Egypt, Libya and then moves onto Sudan and carries away their treasures of silver and gold. We are right now dealing with the Administration of the Antichrist…Obama, Hillary his former secretary of State, and Biden his former VP now unconstitutional President who stole the election. Biden, Obama, Hillary gave 6 billion plus fighter jets to the Muslim Brotherhood to remove Egypt's Hosni Mubarak and put their Muslim Brotherhood guy into power, Morsi. When Muslim Brotherhood got into power they killed Egypt's Coptic Christians and burned their churches if they did not submit to Islam. Also, in America, Hillary, Obama and Biden made illegal small gun treaties with the United Nations to disarm America. They put 6 Muslim Brotherhood members onto our homeland security which should never happened at all because they have a written goal of destroying America from within. Then they named the Revived Roman Empire the Arab Spring and started siphoning off billions of American dollars to Muslim Nations. Finally to completely overthrow America they created the Regional FEMA Governors document whereas Obama gave himself the authority to hand pick 10 FEMA GOVERNORS OVER THE Ten FEMA Sectors of the United States of America in case of Civil War. Then George Soros, Obama and Hillary did everything possible to bring about a civil War. Obama had his advisor Iran Born Valeria Jarrett who wants sharia law in America. Hillary had her assistant, Huma Abedin former wife of the disgraced Weiner, now married to George Soros Son. So this document when the full civil war erupts like when they take cash away and go digital and tell people they have to be microchipped with the Obamacare RFID chip implant that goes into the right hand or forehead then Obama will be able thru his people in office to destroy our 50 State Elected Governors and the sheriffs and totally usurp all power and control. This is why the DemonCrat party is trying to keep their people in power and why they attack Trump. Next Obama the Antichrist usurped power and authority and went around the Congressional War act that says only congress can vote to attack a nation not attacking us. They joined with NATO and FRANCE and killed Gaddafi and carried off 147 tons of gold just like the bible says in Daniel 11:36-45. So far that is Egypt and Libya…next is Sudan. He will from a second seat of power overthrow Sudan. The bible also says he will divide the land for gain. This is the false peace treaty that divides the land for Gain and creates the terrorists state of Palestine. The Bible is clear this goes against God's Holy Covenant for the Land that God made between him and Abraham and the 12 tribes of Israel. When he was leaving office he had 72 nations ready to force the false peace treaty of which 68 is going to be Islamic nations and the others communist nations. When Obama does finally achieve the false peace treaty and he is the rider on the white horse who is given a crown and bow and goes forth conquering thru false peace. Oddly enough the white house did a photo shop of Obama as King of Babylon sitting on the throne of games with a crown in his lap and crossbow on the coffee table in the white house office. Not funny. But the second horse of the 4 horses of the apocalypse is the red horse of war followed by the black horse of famine and the final pale green horse. This group of wicked people in this administration have ushered in gay marriages, use of transgenders in the military even though they are mentally ill…and the horrific practice of mutilation for those who are confused about their genders including young children. They also are now practicing murdering babies born up 28 days being cut up and murdered and their little baby body parts sold like a commodity for the love of filthy lucre with Obama claiming they can get $500 for a brain. There is no doubt they murdered sitting Supreme court justice Scalia due to the expose done by Wikileaks on Podestas email showing that his death was a hit by the CIA…(WET WORKS). There is no doubt that Obama killed Ms. Fuddy his long time friend from a shared Indonesia Cult called Subud when Sheriff Arpaio was speaking to Congress telling them his birth certificate provided by Ms. Fuddy was a fraud and exactly why she was in that department. No doubt they killed Seth Rich because he was leaking info to Wikileaks Julian Assange who they locked up later and put charges against for revealing the truth. Next they killed the prosecutor who was working with DemonCrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz who hired 3 Pakistani IT guys who were literally removing the hard drives in computers of the DemonCrats because they were trying to cover evidences of the crimes Hillary and Obama had committed. Her brother was the prosecutor and the other prosecutor stood in their plan of getting Debbie off the hook. How nice to have your own brother be prosecuting the case. It was the same time Hillary took bleach bit to cell phones and other devices and deleted 33,000 emails. Finally they created ISIS. Hillary stood in front of the United Nations and said Assad of Syria had to go he was using chemicals on his own people. That was there excuse to attack Assad. But Russia and Iran stood up and said, no if you attack Assad we attack you. Thus Hillary and Obama and Biden had to bribe both Russia and Iran. Obama tried to give Iran access to our banks and sent a plane load of money to Iran in the middle of the night. Hillary sent Putin a sample of Uranium One by FBI Mueller on a plane. They sent Senator McCain to Jordan with the CIA to train Syrian Freedom fighters who then got training from us and they became ISIS. That idiot McCain can still be seen standing with so call Freedom Fighters smiling which we now know are dead ISIS leaders in photos on the internet. So they not only created ISIS but also funded them. More than once Hillary, Obama and Biden filled a military base up with supplies and then abandoned it to the terrorists. So when Biden abandoned the Afghanistan base that had 86 billion in military supplies this was not the first time. This all started in 1990 when Hebert Walker Bush who was cousin to Obama's White Grandfather, Stanley Dunham. Bush attended Bildenberg meetings with the big banking Rothchilds and Rockefellers, and Henry Kissinger and others…along with their engineer Dr. Carl Sanders who created the RFID chip. They decided all needed to be microchipped and money needed to be done away with. George Bush was put into office and he had the FDA classify it as a medical device. They could not hold onto power with their little Brother, the third Bush so they put their distant cousin Obama into the office and gave this RFID chip implant financial ability. That is what the digital dollar is all about. Of course they do not realize Obama is the Antichrist fulfilling scriptures. They want to do away with all world currencies and they are creating the new world order thru worldwide socialized healthcare and the WHO…who will do fake pandemics….send in soldiers and be given our sovereign rights. So no running to another nation will not work. You must come to Jesus Christ and receive him by Faith as your Lord and Savior. During the 7 year tribulation when Obama rises to power overthrowing nations in the middle east he will be assassinated mid tribulation. Satan will indwell in him and raise him back up and he will go into the rebuilt Jewish temple and demand the world worship him and his image and take his Charagma…the mark of the Beast. Because the church is raptured away before tribulation those 2.6 billion Muslims will think Obama is their Mahdi and they will worship him.They will help to behead in Islamic fashion all the christians saved during tribulation period. But all who allow Satan to brand them as belonging to him with the Patient Identifier of Obamacare that is financial will be allowing who can buy and sell in the cashless society. Revelation 13-15 speaks about this. so where does the 666 come in….right now everyone goes to the internet to access their checking accounts and see their transactions and make transactions. This is the http://WWW…or worldwideweb. well in Hebrew the English W is represented by the VAV. in Hebrew the Vav has a number value of 6….so all those who allow Satan to brand them they will access their worldwide central bank account via http://www….or vav vav vav or 666…..this 666 is the number of his name. so this chip when scanned upon ringing up items to pay for with Satan's account will have the address their world central bank and it will begin with 666…..We are in the last days…come to Jesus Christ…..obama and his administration are fulfilling end time bible prophecies.

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